August 18, 2005
Should probably be going to BAR Camp this weekend
I just found out about BAR Camp, the open alternative to FOO Camp. Normally, this is the sort of thing that I would be really hot on, especially since it is taking place in my back yard, but I'm just not feeling that motivated. Partly because I don't really have anything to demo and/or talk about. And partly because I just kind of want some "Andy time" this weekend. I have some stuff that I need to do that has been nagging at me for awhile, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to carve out some time this weekend in order to do it.
August 16, 2005
New pictures posted
I have posted two new galleries: from my Birthday dinner last week, and from a short hike that I took with Stan and Anjali. Some of the hiking pictures came out really well, because Stan was driving the camera. His skills with the camera seem to be progressing a lot faster than mine -- but no matter, he's giving me some good tips that I can use in my photography.
Fall Out Boy's rising star
So, Fall Out Boy's new album, "From Under The Cork Tree", came out some time ago. I haven't had a chance to review it yet, so here is my review:

As you can tell from the indisputable iTunes star rating system, the new album is good. Very good. Having six 5-star songs on an album is pretty solid, especially based on how I rate albums. In general, the album doesn't break a lot of new ground from their previous element -- many of the same thematic elements are explored (Love. Loss. And of course, Movies), and the sound is as poppy as ever. But Pete's screaming has been toned down (to positive effect), and some guest vocals have been brought in (which are somewhat superfluous -- Patrick's vocals are one of Fall Out Boy's strongest assets).
But not only is the new album great, but Fall Out Boy's star is on the rise as well. Their first single, "Sugar, We're Goin' Down" is currently #3 on iTunes. They have performed on Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Kimmel's late night shows. Their video appears to be in frequent MTV rotation. I checked out "MTV's Weekend Dime" this weekend, and Fall Out Boy was not only the topic of VJ prattle, but the "Dance, Dance" video came out at #4 on the top ten list. And finally, they are up for a VMA.
So go and vote form them, and be amazed, as I am, that this little band is gaining such a mass following.
August 15, 2005
Zoey, 13 weeks
Snapped another picture of Chris and Tanya's (well, mostly Tanya's) puppy Zoey on Saturday:

With the number of pictures that I'm taking, you would think that she is my dog. :)