I don't really have any scrapbooks. And I can't really say why
-- it's not that I don't like physical things. I
suppose it's just that physical photos tend to get worn or
lost with time. Especially if I'm in command of them. However,
I am much better about keeping things nice in the digital
domain. So, all of my scrapbooks are on the web. Now that I
have a digital camera, I should get some sort of software to
automate the process of taking raw images, and converting them
into an web-viewing experience. But, I don't think that I am
going to do that. Like the scrapbooks of yesterday, I want my
web-ified ones to be hand-crafted labors of love. So, I'm going
to continue to build each one by hand, and each one will have
a slightly different look -- because experimentation and
change are the only constants in this life.
My Family
- Do I really need to say anything here? This section is
composed of pictures of my family.
- Scout has so many pictures, that he gets his own category.
What a spoiled pooch.
The Case Western Years
- Ahhh, pictures of my time spent at Case Western. Oh, the
rapture that this brings back... NOT!
Hello Chief Illiniwek!
- I've been a graduate student at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for nearly two years now,
and the pictures are just starting to roll in. Why use
the controversial Chief in order to title this
section? Because calling it "The UIUC Years" would
have been plum redundant.
- Just some random photos, that I happen to have handy in
some sort of digital format.
- My ex-girlfriend Melissa, and I, in happier times.
- Justin, Luke, Chris, and Akua -- smiling.
- Mike and Chris expressing their affection for Chee Wai, while Nicholas, myself, and Fredrik try not to look. Bork!
- Chris "Hawaii" Ishida, kneeling in front of the "Hula Mobile", the most bitchn'est ride eva! :)
- The best e-mail attachment that I've ever received (thanks Sara).