This shot is from Becky's going away party. Smiling, from l-r:
Justin, Luke, Chris, and Akua.
I like to call this "typical college existence". Pizza & Friends.
From l-r: Justin, Chris L., Chris I., Æric, and Khalid.
"100% Embarassment." I had a prominent role in a recent
talent/no-talent inter-dorm contest. From l-r: Beth, Christa,
Jennifer, Me, and Ariel.
"Drink Coke!" Yet another aspect of college life. Go Justin! My
roommate Chris' legs are also featured. In fact, he's someway present
in this entire column. Go figure.
"Good Bye Inglais". At least, that's what the banner used to say,
before I hacked it mid-way through Becky's going away party. Also
featured, the back of Phil's head!
Chris doing what he does best: being wacky. In this photo, he's
perched atop our stand-up arcade game, Konami's "Super Contra".
Akua and I, taken at her 20th birthday party.
"Plum Goofiness". I can't begin to describe what's happening
here. From l-r: Chris L., Chris I., and Æric.