Life: September 2006 Archives
Another post from the wacky roommate file. Sabrina is going to be in the Bay Area for the next month (well, if you consider Davis to be in the Bay Area). This means that it was time for Kevin to clean out his collection of empty Snapple bottles:

At least 15 empty Snapple bottles. The upside-down on is en route to becoming empty.
I want to be very clear here -- this is the last the Snapple bottles. There was at least one haul of bottles to the recycling before this one, that I know of.
And this doesn't include any loose bottles in the car. And I haven't seen his office, so God knows what's going on there.
Kevin's only lament? That Snapple doesn't make a bigger size of the Diet Peach flavor, so that he could produce less empty bottles.
A few weeks ago, I brought my long and drawn-out car search to an end, by putting a deposit down on a new car. After a lot of soul-searching and wringing of hands over price and features vs. fuel economy - I decided not to buy a Prius. Instead, I went with the 2007 Volvo S40 T5:

The Volvo S40, in Passion Red
In the end, it came down to what I actually wanted to drive. And the Volvo not only is fun to drive, but it looks sharp, and it is reasonably environmentally friendly, for a non-hybrid car.
The only problem is that I went way over budget. Oh, and I'm so picky, that I had to have the car ordered from the factory (Belgium) in order to meet my needs. So, I won't have it until November. But I am so glad that the search is over, and I am looking forward to taking possession of my new machine.
After many years spent squinting into the Sun, I have finally broken down and bought my first "real" pair of sunglasses:

The purchase was prompted by my escape from EDS. I wanted to circle around my benefits, and get whatever I could before going on to a lesser health plan. As it turned out, I had $175 of benefit dollars that could be used for eyeware, so ka-ching!, new glasses.
They are prescription, which means that I can actually see stuff when I wear them, which is theoretically good when driving. In using them today, they definitely helped to keep the sun out of my eyes. But, I can already see that I'm going to be forgetting them everywhere -- as I did today, leaving them at the office when I snuck out to run an errand after lunch.
But so far, so good.