

After many years spent squinting into the Sun, I have finally broken down and bought my first "real" pair of sunglasses:

Me wearing my new sunglasses

The purchase was prompted by my escape from EDS. I wanted to circle around my benefits, and get whatever I could before going on to a lesser health plan. As it turned out, I had $175 of benefit dollars that could be used for eyeware, so ka-ching!, new glasses.

They are prescription, which means that I can actually see stuff when I wear them, which is theoretically good when driving. In using them today, they definitely helped to keep the sun out of my eyes. But, I can already see that I'm going to be forgetting them everywhere -- as I did today, leaving them at the office when I snuck out to run an errand after lunch.

But so far, so good.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on September 12, 2006 11:49 PM.

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