Blogging backlog: my 30th birthday

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I've been pretty busy the last few weeks, and as such, I have accumulated a bit of a "blogging backlog". One of the things that I didn't blog about was my big 30th birthday, which happened a few weeks ago. Actually, it happened during WWDC, but I was so busy with said conference, that my friends weren't able to celebrate with me until a couple of days after my birthday.

But, we all went to a nice restaurant in North Beach for dinner, and it was pretty great:

The group assembled after dinner. L-R: Pratima, Kalpana, Bill, Mike, Sheila, me, Tanya, Chris, Nick, Anjali, and Kevin. Photo credit: Nicholas Riley
The group assembled after dinner.
L-R: Pratima, Kalpana, Bill, Mike, Sheila, me, Tanya, Chris, Nick, Anjali, and Kevin.
Photo credit: Nicholas Riley.

The restaurant, Trattoria Pinocchio was quite good, and the company (of course) was excellent. I think that everyone had a good time, especially Chris, who loves going up to San Francisco whenever he can get the chance!




Sabari said:

Belated Birthday Wishes! Glad to read that things are going well at your new gig.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on September 7, 2006 11:11 PM.

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