The car dilemma - finally solved

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A few weeks ago, I brought my long and drawn-out car search to an end, by putting a deposit down on a new car. After a lot of soul-searching and wringing of hands over price and features vs. fuel economy - I decided not to buy a Prius. Instead, I went with the 2007 Volvo S40 T5:

The Volvo S40, in Passion Red
The Volvo S40, in Passion Red

In the end, it came down to what I actually wanted to drive. And the Volvo not only is fun to drive, but it looks sharp, and it is reasonably environmentally friendly, for a non-hybrid car.

The only problem is that I went way over budget. Oh, and I'm so picky, that I had to have the car ordered from the factory (Belgium) in order to meet my needs. So, I won't have it until November. But I am so glad that the search is over, and I am looking forward to taking possession of my new machine.


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Sabari said:

Pimping! Can't wait to see your ride once you get it. Congrats!

Chirag said:

Passion Red do bring out your passion..! You should totally list out your experience with the car-hunt. Cant wait to read that blog entry. :-)


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