Computers: August 2005 Archives

After 230 days of uptime...

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...I was forced to reboot my FreeBSD machine today. For the last several months, Kevin and I (mostly Kevin) have been noticing some terrible latency on our DSL connection, as high as 17,000 ms for the first hop. In the past, I have found that reseting our Westell CPE has fixed the problem. But when it happened again yesterday, the CPE reboot trick didn't fix the problem.

This really screwed Kevin over, who uses Microsoft Remote Desktop frequently, and planned to work last night. It was a mild annoyance to me -- with 17,000 ms latency, the web and e-mail were basically unusable. I tried calling tech support last night, but the 24 hour help line was closed.

So, when I woke up this morning, the first thing that I did was to call. Because I knew, that if I didn't fix this thing, I would have an all-out riot on my hands (from Kevin). After fighting with the technical support person for the better part of 40 minutes, we came to an impasse. He said that everything was working fine in the network, and I was saying that my FreeBSD / MacOS X combo was definitely not to blame.

I went to work with things still broken, and resolved to come home "earlyish", and hook my Mac directly to the DSL modem, and call again. That would be a scenario that is much more understandable for tech support, and then I could get some resolution. When I got home, I checked that the latency of the DSL link was still through the roof (it was). So, I hooked my Mac up, and checked again. And I'll be damned if things weren't fine. I surfed around, did a speed test, everything -- the thing was performing like a champ.

My faith in life shaken, I came to realize that my FreeBSD box was causing the problem. So, because I didn't have time to troubleshoot any longer, I rebooted it. And that fixed it. Argh!

The Geek Tax having been paid, I am hoping that this is not a sign of impending hardware failure. Or the apocalypse. Either of those two would seriously put me out, anyway.


I have commissioned Sara to help me spruce up my blog. She isn't into the "coding" part of the web (HTML, CSS, etc.), so I told her to handle all of the graphics (the part that I am bad at), and I would take care of the coding. To that end, I picked up the 2nd edition of Eric A. Meyer's (CWRU alum) book, "Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide" from Powell's when I was up in Portland. Today, I used that to help me make mock-ups of the first step in the re-design process: choosing colors. So, I present to you Sara's three proposed color schemes:
  1. Conservative
  2. Edgy
  3. Breaking down the geek blog stereotypes
I'm not sure yet, but I think I'm leaning towards #2.

I, along with the rest of my team at work, am attending Java WebServices training at a Sun facility all this week. At my workstation, there is an old Sun Ultra 10 and a Dell Precision Workstation 210. One of the computers is loaded with Windows 2000 Server, the other with Solaris 9 (you can guess which is which). I found that I couldn't login to the Windows server, so today I decided to have some fun. I brought a Ubuntu Linux live CD in with me, and managed to get the Dell running Linux.

Unfortunately, when Linux booted, I found that the network wasn't working. It appeared as if Sun wasn't running a DHCP server for the lab -- which was confirmed when Chirag plugged in his laptop looking for network. Looking at the Sparc box, I found that it was statically configured. So, I ping'd for a free address, and gave the Ubuntu box an IP on the same VLAN. But no dice -- Sun apparently has separated the Solaris and Windows boxen on different VLANs.

My next trick was to run tcpdump. Usually, by analyzing the broadcast traffic, you can sortof figure out what network the machine is on, and what the default gateway is. From there, you can pick an IP, and be on your way. Unfortunately, I was able to see broadcast traffic from quite a few networks, so it wasn't plainly obvious which network was "the one" for me. I did some trial and error, but I didn't get lucky.

So, the only way in which I could see was to somehow figure out what IP address the Windows install was configured with, and then re-use that IP on Linux. And since I couldn't login to Windows, the only way I could think would be to mount the NTFS partition on Linux, and then munge through the registry until I found what I was looking for.

And believe it or not, that is exactly what I did.

I found this MS document which explains all of the registry entries that MS uses for the TCP/IP stack in Windows 2000. Unfortunately, that document isn't 100% complete -- it focuses more on the "tunables" in the stack. However, it references a whitepaper, which had the details of where things like static IP addresses are stored in the registry.

With that information in place, all I needed to know is which file on disk houses the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" registry hive. This page told me where that file is backed up, which gave me a clue as to what I should search for on disk. In short order, I was poking around the "%SystemRoot\WINNT\system32\config\system" file. The Ubuntu Live CD doesn't appear to contain any sort of fancy hex editor, so I just used xxd, which I piped into less. I was able to search around in that output, until I found what I wanted, and got the Ubnuntu box onto the network.

In general, this sort of hacking that I didn't isn't all that novel. In fact, there is a book out now, called "Knoppix Hacks" (O'Reilly), which details similar sorts of hacks that can be done from Linux. But, I am glad to have stumbled onto my own such hack, because now I get to play with Ubuntu during training. :)
