Blog redesign phase 1: color

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I have commissioned Sara to help me spruce up my blog. She isn't into the "coding" part of the web (HTML, CSS, etc.), so I told her to handle all of the graphics (the part that I am bad at), and I would take care of the coding. To that end, I picked up the 2nd edition of Eric A. Meyer's (CWRU alum) book, "Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide" from Powell's when I was up in Portland. Today, I used that to help me make mock-ups of the first step in the re-design process: choosing colors. So, I present to you Sara's three proposed color schemes:
  1. Conservative
  2. Edgy
  3. Breaking down the geek blog stereotypes
I'm not sure yet, but I think I'm leaning towards #2.


Mark said:

I like option 1. 2 is ok and 3 is girly.

try the Firefox plugin EditCSS. it's worth a dozen CSS books.

Rushabh said:

I vote for #2.

Mark said:

Yeah, I don't know about 2. All the links look like they've already been clicked. I find it disorienting. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it.

3 is still for girls.

Anjali said:

i'm leaning towards #1

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on August 21, 2005 4:23 PM.

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