Computers: June 2005 Archives
- more people (and machines) connected, more data at the edge
- more bandwidth
- more computing power
- physical addressing model (URLs, IPs)
- centralized DNS
- no QoS for message delivery
- optimized for point-to-point (limitations on multicast/anycast)
- topology controlled by network admin, not applications
- no search/scoping at network level
- binary security (intranet or internet)
- highly decentralized and reliable
- network protocol for creating decentralized virtual P2P network
- set of XML protocols, bindings for any os/language
- overlay network, decentralized DHT routing protocol
- mechanisms, not policies
- open source (want it to become core internet tech, wide adoption)
- JXTA addresses dynamically mapped to physical IP
- decentralized and distributed services (ID, DNS, directory, multicast, etc)
- easy to create ad hoc virtual networks (domain)
- Brings devices, services, and networks together
- enables interactions among highly dynamic resources
- storage backup (321 Inc.'s LeanOnMe)
- Brevient Connect web conferencing
- grid computing - Codefarm's Galapagos
- SNS - social network application (most used P2P app in China)
- Verizon IOBI (trying to lower the cost of delivering content over the Internet)
JXTA status
- JXTA-Java SE (June 15th release 2.3.4)
- APIs and functionality frozen
- Quarterly release schedule
- full implementation of JXTA protocols
- JXTA-C/C++ (2.1.1)
- standard peer
- extended discovery
- linux, solaris, windows
- rendezvous support
- JXTA-Java ME (2.0)
- edge peer only
- CDC 1.1 compliant
- community: C#, JPython
- enhance ease of use and simplify network deployment
- enhance performance, scalability, security
- standardize specification further through public organization
- Users need one-click subscribe (no standards yet) - Safari RSS doing a good job
- 10% of all Feeds not well-formed XML
- Feeds can be lossy (don't poll often enough, will miss stuff)
- RFC 3229 (FeedDiff) can be used to address this
- Polling based -- traffic waste; HTTP conditional get and caching ease pain
- ROME serialization
- XML DOM serialization
- Template langauge: Velocity, JSP specification
- Plop it on a web server that supports conditional HTTP GET, etags, etc.
- OLD: XML-RPC based, ad hoc, simple: Blogger, MetaWeblog (most popular), Movable Type, WikiRPCInterface
- New: The REST based Atom Publishing Protocol
- Why not SOAP?
- Supports features of existing protocols
- plus administrative features (add/remove users, etc)
- spec still under development, will be finished soon
- resources exist in collections
- examples: entries, uploaded files, categories, templates, users
- Java library
- RSS/ATOM feed parsers and generators
- built on top of JDom
- Provides beans as API
- existing solutions were incomplete, stale, had unfriendly un-Java API
- simple to use, well documented
- single java representation of feeds
- pluggable
- widely used, got momentum
- Loss of information at SyndFeed level (abstract all feeds, lose special features of specific feed types)
- DOM overhead
Why now?
- Lot of interest from community, companies
- J2SE 5 is first version where JCP license permits doing OSS implementation of JVM
- Sun cautiously supportive
- Not going to fork Java
- Not going to add new and incompatible technologies
- too hard, OSS can't do it -- wrong, OSS is just license & community, says nothing about technology
- license of VM is a major deal to some people
- What about Mustang? Not Open Source.
- Enable widespread adoption of Java, without re-engineering
- Provide open and free platform for Linux and BSD communities
- Java is 2nd-class citizen on Linux, Mono making big inroads...
- Get at developing economies (like Brazil), that can't afford commercial licenses, or have government directive to embrace Open Source
State of OSS Java:
- Kaffe VM - borg of VMs (absorbs everything), focus on portability, but performance lags. Harmony is going to work with them
- GNU Classpath - Java class library; long-running; work with them, but licensing issues
- Jikes RVM - research VM; VM written in Java (little C and ASM for bootstrap); good performance characteristics
- ORP C/C++ research VM (Intel research); under Intel license
- GCJ - compile Java to native binary; lot Harmony can learn from them
- KVM - run Java bytecode on Mono (fast); not Harmony approach, but learn from them
- JavaL(?) - brazilian effort similar to Harmony
NetBeans has a new set of tools for developing code for mobile phones. Visual app. builder, can also deploy code to phone from NetBeans. Even cooler, if the phone supports the correct JSR, you can do debugging of the app. while it is running on the phone. Single step, breakpoints, etc. -- all over Bluetooth!
They did a demo of an UAV that is powered by real-time Java. The conclusions:
- RTSJ determinism critical for navigational control
- RTSJ JVM enabled significant productiivity gains over C++ (don't need to worry about low-level stuff like endianess, etc.)
- Continue to perform research on newer RTSJ implementations
Sun is putting out multimedia versions of all of the JavaOne sessions onto the Internet, free for all (including slides, audio, etc.). Allowing Open Source contributions of translated audio tracks? It seems like people can watch in English, and record their own track, in a different language.
Shifting gears, the second half of the general session is a panel, about the future of Java. On the panel: James Gosling, Bill Joy, Paul Saffo, Guy Steele, and Danny Hillis (Applied Minds, Inc.). This was just a general talk on a bunch of futuristic mumbo-jumbo -- I wasn't really engaged to the point that I extracted anything interesting.
I spent some time vendor pavilion at JavaOne today. One of the vendors that I spent some time pick on was Sun. In particular, I had hardware on the brain toady, and I managed to track down like, the one person at Sun's booth, who could speak about the present and future of the UltraSparc line. In addition, this fellow was there to talk about the V20z, so I asked him a few questions about that as well.
Regarding the UltraSparc, both the UltraSparc IV and UltraSparc IIIi are currently shipping. The UltraSparc IV has both CMT (Chip Multi-Threading, sort of like Intel's Hyperthreading, but better according to Sun) and multiple cores per CPU. It sounds pretty hot. Unfortunately, it seems like it is only going to appear in Sun's higher-end servers (5U and up), in high densities. The Sun person that I spoke to wasn't sure if it would ever materialize in a workstation, but was doubtful.
The UltraSparc IV is going after highly-parallelized workloads, as is the rest of the industry. However, my group at EDS is working with some applications that are stuck on Sparc, and aren't highly parallel. So, it seems like we're going to be using the UltraSparc III series for awhile. The good news is that the UltraSparc III is up to 1.6Ghz in speed now, which is not too shabby (for a RISC CPU).
Moving on to the V20z, I cut right to the chase on this one. i knew that the only reason to buy an X86-based server from Sun would be for the management features. Luckily, I was not disappointed. The V20z has two Ethernet interfaces for the purposes of management. Even better, once you configure an IP on the Ethernet, you can SSH to it, and get full access to the serial console (OS), or the internal management console! That sold me right there. In addition, the management Ethernet ports can act as a hub, which means that you can daisy chain a rack of servers together, and only take up one switch port for management. That is really, really cool. One thing is that you have to use crossover cables, because the management ports don't support auto MDI-X (while the main GigE interfaces do).
I don't really keep up with the state-of-the-art for PC servers, but I don't think that you can do SSH management of them. Sun is definitely kicking ass here.
- GUI creation and maintenance
- Threading issues
- Widget <-> model binding (n-tier application)
- Input validation
- All about frameworks -- buying, building, or using them
- OSS frameworks are ideal (great to have source code)
- building should be last resort
- Ideally, one framework would solve problem
- doesn't exist
- Two wannabees: NetBeans platform and Spring Rich Client Platform (RCP)
- Vibrant space (new projects popping up all the time)
- Doesn't address pain points for big apps
- lack of documentation (yeah, I agree)
- Inspired by Eclipse RCP and JGoodies
- Not released yet, lot of code in CVS
- not ready yet, but keep an eye on it
- JGoodies Swing suite ($$$) - has been released, some free parts
- SwingLabs - Sun's OSS collection of helper frameworks. Also not out yet.
- DRY - don't repeat yourself. Do something twice --> build framework
- Think Ruby-on-Rails (interesting web framework)
- Ruby-on-Rails was built this way, so it was a framework that was built in an interactive manner, only for functionality that was actually needed.
- GUI builders, but with restrictions
- Use GUI builder to generate binary artifact (like XUL), user-modifiable code sits outside
- Load generated GUI at runtime, and manipulate it
- Provide standard contract for screen creation
- Introduce form abstraction (smaller than screen, larger than a widget)
- Both practices increase opportunities for reuse
- JFace has Window and ApplicationWindow classes
- Spring RCP defines Page and View abstraction that aligns nicely with Screen/Form concept
- Swing components are not thread safe -- only supposed to be accessed by AWT event thread.
- SwingWorker (new in Java 6, being back-ported to Java 5) and Foxtrot?
- Comega - experimental programming language from MS, used as a sandbox
- Concurrency is hard -- Servlet API is admired, because it is simple and single threaded, yet it scales up
- Because there is a container that does heavy-lifting of thread issues
- Container-managed Swing (Inversion of Control)
- Have container control object, and provide services for object
- Load and initialize screens on background thread
- Handle asynchronous population and action execution
- JFormDesigner - excellent GUI builder tool
- Matisse - next version of NetBeans
- FormLayout - 3rd party layout manager that kicks GridBagLayout in the you-know-where
- IntelliJ IDEA - IDE
Two things that suck about JavaOne: it is nearly impossible to find power outlets for my PowerBook, and not all of the rooms have WiFi. OSCON puts JavaOne to shame -- nearly every room has a giant block of power strips, for the geeks to plug their laptops in. It is deplorable that JavaOne doesn't have this.
As for the lack of WiFi, I'm finding myself a bit surprised by this one. I'm finding that since I am blogging the conference this year, having the web available is necessary in order for me to sprinkle links into my posts.
- occurs within conversations, unlimited # of participants
- all messages to all participants
- conversations include multiple channels (conduit for information)
- collablets provide interface to channel
- software component for specific type of collaboration
- stateful within scope of conversation
- only know about their own channel
- uses XMPP (Jabber)
- message oriented XML collaboration
- web services approach to collaboration
- simple, just send XML messages using SOAP
- send messages over any transport
- can describe collablet API via WSDL, open to any web services client
Can go further, and share whole files or projects. In shared file, can have shared editing, sortof like SubEthaEdit. It will lock the portion of the file, make change, when lock times out, will propagate change to other users. Remote users can compile shared project, which will actually happen on source machine (to snag all dependencies).
It seems like the point of the above technologies is to make it easy to implement your own collablets, so you can build custom collaboration modules that suit your particular project or work environment. Very cool.
What about screen sharing (code walkthrough, remote peer programming)? I didn't see the speaker demo this, but it should be possible to make a collablet that does it.
- Developer collaboration is going open source at:
- Public collaboration service:
- Blog about remote developer issues:
Downside: need some sort of server to do it on Intranet, with Java Server Enterprise. Close to getting it working over any vanilla Jabber server (sweet!).
Generic Virtual Data Access Layer (SOA)
- Distributed data, bring together (left joins?)
- Data is federated (many masters)
- Expose common Grid-like API for clients (JAR), or WebServices, or even JDBC
- Needs virtual data dictionary, metadata to describe data, to glue together
- Decompose data access into generic workers -- break down request/response into many sub-tasks
- Decouple SQL query generation from execution
- Distribute workers, get parallelism
- Parallelize transaction w/o losing FIFO ordering, and still getting 100% reliability
- Clustered JavaSpaces -- make several instances. Make reliable by replicating data in these instances.
- Build smart proxy that handles JavaSpace client requests, and distributes work into JavaSpaces cluster
- Automate deployment and restart of JavaSpace instances, using dynamic service-grid architecture -- gets you dynamic scalablity (apache httpd forking style)
- memory was expensive -- not anymore
- Bandwidth was a bottleneck -- not anymore (GigE, 10Gig)
- Commodity HW finally enterprise grade
- design grid applications incrementally with Jini and JavaSpaces
- from programmers perspective:
- how design application?
- how implement the design?
- too much talk about design, not enough about programming
- Good design always starts with something simple and evolves -- Jini and JavaSpaces make this easy: loosely coupled components, dynamic and flexible infrastructure
- Features can be added as needed
- master-worker pattern based compute farm
- A layer of abstraction over JavaSpaces API and Jini programming model
- Framework class design
- Decomposer - concrete class will decide what correct subtask size is
- Distributor
- Calculator (processor)
- Collector
- Task
- Result
- Communicator - communication and synchronization among compute nodes
- have to consider user interface for the programme
- How can we take POJO model and bring it to Jini/JavaSpaces?
- Get a lot of power in POJO approach, because we decouple from underlying system (be it Jini, J2EE, etc.)
- Spring can do remoting without API via exporters on server side, proxies on client side (talk to exporters)
expose scripting interface to your program. allows 3rd parties to write code that interacts with your code (think plugin). Develop features and addons more quickly & cheaply.
idea: add beanshell to existing application. Once in place, you can use beanshell to poke and prod it, and figure out how it works. Questions like: "What happens to app if I change this value?" are easy with an application that supports BeanShell.
to support scripting in an existing app, may need to provide:
- extra API to support scripting
- debugging support
- logging/diagnostic output
- CLI for interactive control
- Editing tools for recording/manipulating scripts (macro recorder)
- Full java syntax compatability
- performance: JavaCC 3.0 parser faster and smaller; caching of method resolution gives boost
- better error reporting
- Applet friendly (again) -- doesn't trip applet security; advantage of existing reflection-based implementation (do things w/o code generation)
- new features: mix-ins, properties style auto-allocation of variables (can use BeanShell as more advanced java properties file)
- Mix-ins: import java object into BeanShell namespace.
- Full java 1.4 syntax support (on all VMs)
- Some Java 5 features (all VMs): Boxing, enhanced for loop, static imports
- Core Reflection doesn't allow introspection into core types -- added this in BeanShell 2.0
- Generated classes with real Java types, backed by scripts in the interpreter.
- Scripts can now go anywhere Java goes.
- Expose all methods and typed variables of the class.
- Bound in the namespace in which they are declared.
- May freely mix loose / script syntax with full Java class syntax.
- Full java syntax on classes -- this, super, static, instance variables, and blocks. (no way to access superclass from reflection API)
- Full constructor functionality.
- Reflective access permissions (knocks out applets for the scripted classes)
- bugs
- javax.script (JSR-223) - will be a part of Java 6, powerful API for calling scripting languages from Java
- BeanShell API compiler - have persistent classes backed by scripts.
New BeanShell community site, includes Wiki (J2EEWiki). Wiki site is Subversion for source control.
- Generate entity beans from DB
- Using resources (JMS, JDBC, etc)
- Using patterns (service locator, etc) and Blueprints
- Provisioning server resources
- Verifying, profiling.
J2EE 1.4 free tools:
- Eclipse - Web Tool Platform (WTP) / J2EE standard tools (JST)
- NetBeans - 4.1 just shipped (May), full support for all J2EE whiz-bangs
- NetBeans can do one-click compile-assemble-startserver-deploy-execute (Run)
- Refactoring at J2EE level (class name change propagates to descriptors)
- Ant native (project in NetBeans makes build.xml). Good for nightly builds!
- Blueprints compliant -- what is this? Need to look it up. Looks like best practices for J2EE application layout.
- Debugging: hides crap from application server in stack trace. Monitor HTTP requests. J2EE verifier tool.
- Can get JBoss plugin for NetBeans.
- Wizards for making EJB calls, doing JDBC access, or sending a JMS message
- "The focus of Java EE 5 is ease of development"
- EJBs as regular Java objects (standard interface for inheritance)
- Annotations vs. deployment descriptors (dependency injections)
- Better default behavior and configuration
- Simplified container manager persistence
- Developer works less, container works more (app server)
- comments that guide code?
- alternative to XDoclet
- Syntax is to use '@' symbol
- only a business interface to work with
- XML descriptors replaced by annotations
Java EE 5 status
- specs still under expert discussion
- delivery date is targeted for 1Q 2006
- Many areas ready: API simplification, Metadata via annotation, dependency injection, persistence
- NetBeans 5.0 will be ready at same time
Tools mandatory for J2EE 1.4 development. Features of Java EE 5 make development easier, and will be further assisted by smart tools. I knew that there was a new version of NetBeans out, which I was intending to check out at JavaOne. Also, it looks like there is a new NetBeans book out -- "NetBeans IDE Field Guide" which is good, because I don't like the documentation for NetBeans...
I'm going to pick up a bit of a new format. I'm going to try and blog about the parts of the presentation that are interesting to me, getting away from a full outline of the talk. I figure that the slides can probably be found online somewhere, so I'm going to focus on what my take-aways are.
Design Approaches:
- Cluster-aware JVMs (potentially optimal [close to hardware], but loses portability)
- Compile to cluster-enabled layer (ex. DSM; good performance, but lose portability and impedence mismatch)
- Systems using standard JVM (transforms at code or bytecode level). lose performance but get portability
- Hyperion - compiles to C code that is DSM aware
- Jackal - violates Java memory model
- Java/DSM (Rice, 1997) - piggybacks on existing DSM, no JIT
- cJVM (aka trusted JVM) (IBM, 1999) - proxy objects for non-local access (smart), no JIT
- Kaffemik (Trinity college, 2001) - based on kaffe VM, scalable coherent interface, JIT
- Jessica2 (2002) - JIT support, thread migration
- dJVM (2002) - based on Jikes
- JavaParty (1997) - pre-processor + runtime compiles to RMI. Requires langauage change
- JSDM (2001) - supports SPMD apps, not full Java technology
- JavaSplit - bytecode transformation, integrated custom DSM
- J/Orchestra - application partitioning, bytecode transformation
The executive summary is that there is some work going on to make Java cluster-aware at the VM level. I'm not sure why Jini wasn't mentioned more, since it seems like a natural fit for clusters. If I ever need to do some clustering, I can check in on the above projects to see if there is a fit.
- New language from W3C
- Queries XML (documents, rdbms, etc.)
- Anything with some structure
- under development, not 1.0, at candidate recommendation stage
- XSLT - easier to read and write, maintain; designed with DB optimization in mind
- SQL - better for hierarchical data (things that don't fit: book data, medical records, yellow pages). DB is designed for columns of numbers.
- Procedural - define what you want, let engines optimize
- When pulling data out of XML, easier to show more context around the data
- Like breadcrumbs to book, chapter, section
- Then show not only the search term, but also the content around it
- depends on engine, indexed stores require pre-loading
- Mark Logic (presenters, demos available), eXist (OSS), Saxon
- Coolest hidden XQuery implementation: Apple's Sherlock
- a matching language to select portions of an XML document
- Like RE engine for XML; "give me every one of these where that or this"
- pronounced "flower"
- stand for: for, let, where, order by, return
- this is one expression, not five
- XQuery is technology to manipulate XML that you can find with XPath
- XQuery doesn't have to produce XML output -- can produce sequence of elements, or just plain text
- Works well on web tier
- Executes in response to HTTP requests like CGI
- Speaks XML to back-end, XHTML to front end
- advantage is easy-and fast, can do blog or searchable FAQ as XQuery (backend is XML, XQuery formats and displays on frontend)
- Call XQuery stack from Java language
- Think JDBC but for XQuery
- Fits in your Java technology stack
- XQuery JSP tag library
- send results straight out, or store in variables
Extended Persistence Contexts
- Rescue the stateful session bean from obscurity
- natural cache of data that is relevant to a conversation
- allows stateful components to maintain references to managed instances instead of detached instances
- A conversation takes place anytime a single user interaction spans more than one request
- sometimes helpful to capture conversation in object(s), can optimize, manage lifecycle, etc.
- Need to produce high quality apps, faster and at lower cost
- cope with changing requirements (waterfall not an option)
- need to simplify programming model (reduce complexity rather than hide with tools)
- J2EE powerful, but complicated
- Survival: challenges from .NET, and PHP/Ruby at low end
- Concerns that J2EE dev is slow and expensive
- Difficult to test traditional J2EE app
- EJB's really tie code to runtime framework, hard to test w/o
- Simply too much code, much is glue code (I concur, based on my experience with a J2EE portal in EDS)
- Heavyweight runtime environment -- in order to test, need to deploy
- frameworks central to modern J2EE development
- frameworks capture generic functionality, for solving common problems
- J2EE out of box doesn't provide a complete programming model
- Result is many in-house frameworks (expensive to maintain and develop, hard to share code)
- Responsible for much of the innovation in the last 2-3 years
- Several projects aim to simply development experience and remove excessive complexity from the developer's view
- Easy to tell which ones are popular; driven by collective developer experience (refined, powerful, best-of-breed)
- Tapping into "collective experience" of developers
- Inversion of Control/Dependency Injection (sophisticated configuration of POJOs)
- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- provide declarative services to POJOs
- can get POJOs working with special features, JMX, etc.
- hollywood principle - don't call me, I'll call you
- framework calls your code, not the reverse
- specialization of Inversion of Control
- container injects dependencies into object instances using java methods
- a.k.a. push configuration -- object gets configuration, doesn't know where it came from
- decouples object from configuration from environment. Values get pushed in at runtime, so it is easy to run object in test or prod.
- configuration requires no container API
- can use existing code that has no knowledge of container
- your code can evolve independently of container code
- easy to unit test (no JNDI stub, or properties files to monkey around with)
- code is self-documenting
- shared instance, pooling
- lifecycle tied to container objects
- maps, sets, other complex types
- type conversion with property editors
- instantiation via factory methods
- FactoryBean adds level of indirection; configured by framework, and returns objects based upon that configuration.
- paradigm for modularizing cross-cutting code (code that would otherwise be scattered across multiple places)
- think about interception
- callers invoke proxy, chain of interceptors decorate that call with additional functionality, callee finally invoked, and return passes back through chain
- idea for transaction management and security
- enabling technology, for defining own services, and applying them to POJOs.
- think of it as a generic way similar to how EJB implemented
- can be implemented with dynamic proxies
- configure objects w/o invasive API
- OSS project, apache 2 license
- Aims:
- simplify J2EE development
- provide a comprehensive solution to developing applications built on POJOs.
- aims to address all sorts of applications, large banking, or small in-house
- easy to work with JDBC, Hibernated, transaction management, etc.
- consistency makes Spring more than sum of its parts.
- don't need to deploy, can all run from within IDE if desired.
- AWS - Amazon Web Service
- ASIN - Amazon Standard Item Number
- Associate ID - pass this # into all AWS calls
- REST - Representational State Transfer
- support for industry standards
- remote access to data and functionality
- about getting direct access to guts of website
- APIs that give any developer outside of amazon programmatic access to Amazon's data and technology.
- Includes product information, customer-created content, shopping cart, etc.
- Legitimize outside access, site scraping sucks
- Third-party developers extend the Amazon platform
- Harness creativity of others
- XSLT transformation service - can apply transform to XML results before returned. Can build website with no physical template, just supply XSLT stylesheet, in order to build "virtual website".
- WSDL - documentation for schemas
- Tons of documentation & community outreach
- SOAP is standard, strongly typed, requires toolkit
- REST is convention, ad hoc, easy ramp-up, prototype in browser, really easy to use. Key-value pair based. Easy to script. Develop in browser.
- REST is about 80% used, SOAP other 20%.
- developer blog:
- download documentation
- Amazon offers 3 different things via web services API
- Easy to use via Java
- WebServices is like an API for specific websites, allowing 3rd party developers to build new sorts of apps just like if you were to write an app for the Windows API.
After a too-short recovery time from NYC, I am in San Francisco today, attending Sun's JavaOne conference. I am going to be trying to blog about each session that I attend, and then cross-posting my public posts to the EDS blogosphere. So, for my non-computery readers (you know who you are), you're going to want to ignore the next like 3 days or so.
I read a great interview with Linus Torvalds the other day. The main thrust of the interview was questioning Linus as to where the Open Source vs. Commercial Source divide is ultimately headed. Pretty interesting stuff, and well worth a read.
I have been doing some thinking about this as well recently, as I try and evangelize Open Source at EDS. My thoughts are pretty similar to where Linus is at. Open Source is going to continue to commoditize certain things like OSes, browsers, and potentially even office suites. The key for Closed Source commercial vendors is going to be to stay one step ahead of the curve, and earn their revenue by innovating. People will pay in order to be at the cutting edge, the state of the art. And companies will pay for support. Those are the two spaces that I increasingly see commercial vendors playing in.