JavaOne: TS-3340: Architecting Complex JFC/Swing Applications
Where is the Pain?
- GUI creation and maintenance
- Threading issues
- Widget <-> model binding (n-tier application)
- Input validation
- All about frameworks -- buying, building, or using them
- OSS frameworks are ideal (great to have source code)
- building should be last resort
- Ideally, one framework would solve problem
- doesn't exist
- Two wannabees: NetBeans platform and Spring Rich Client Platform (RCP)
- Vibrant space (new projects popping up all the time)
- Doesn't address pain points for big apps
- lack of documentation (yeah, I agree)
- Inspired by Eclipse RCP and JGoodies
- Not released yet, lot of code in CVS
- not ready yet, but keep an eye on it
- JGoodies Swing suite ($$$) - has been released, some free parts
- SwingLabs - Sun's OSS collection of helper frameworks. Also not out yet.
- DRY - don't repeat yourself. Do something twice --> build framework
- Think Ruby-on-Rails (interesting web framework)
- Ruby-on-Rails was built this way, so it was a framework that was built in an interactive manner, only for functionality that was actually needed.
- GUI builders, but with restrictions
- Use GUI builder to generate binary artifact (like XUL), user-modifiable code sits outside
- Load generated GUI at runtime, and manipulate it
- Provide standard contract for screen creation
- Introduce form abstraction (smaller than screen, larger than a widget)
- Both practices increase opportunities for reuse
- JFace has Window and ApplicationWindow classes
- Spring RCP defines Page and View abstraction that aligns nicely with Screen/Form concept
- Swing components are not thread safe -- only supposed to be accessed by AWT event thread.
- SwingWorker (new in Java 6, being back-ported to Java 5) and Foxtrot?
- Comega - experimental programming language from MS, used as a sandbox
- Concurrency is hard -- Servlet API is admired, because it is simple and single threaded, yet it scales up
- Because there is a container that does heavy-lifting of thread issues
- Container-managed Swing (Inversion of Control)
- Have container control object, and provide services for object
- Load and initialize screens on background thread
- Handle asynchronous population and action execution
- JFormDesigner - excellent GUI builder tool
- Matisse - next version of NetBeans
- FormLayout - 3rd party layout manager that kicks GridBagLayout in the you-know-where
- IntelliJ IDEA - IDE