JavaOne: TS-7949: The New EJB 3.0 Persistence API

Got to this one late (lunch), so this is not full notes.

Extended Persistence Contexts
  • Rescue the stateful session bean from obscurity
  • natural cache of data that is relevant to a conversation
  • allows stateful components to maintain references to managed instances instead of detached instances
  • A conversation takes place anytime a single user interaction spans more than one request
  • sometimes helpful to capture conversation in object(s), can optimize, manage lifecycle, etc.
To be quite frank, the content of this session bored me, so I exited early. The basic summary is that if you are doing hardcore EJB and database stuff, you may want to check this topic out in more detail.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on June 28, 2005 1:02 PM.

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