July 2012 Archives
These are my favorite tweets, for the week ending on Thursday July 12th, 2012:
Looking at my YouTube history to stream to my Nexus Q, and realized it's half Google I/O lectures, half cat videos.
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Really regretting not buying Digg.
— Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Almost 3 years in, my favorite moment at Twitter: flash mob in the middle of our crowded cafeteria. http://t.co/WoslPPae
— Marc Maniez (@MarcManiez) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
"@origiful: Well look at that--that is some hotness. Welcome to Finland, bitches." http://t.co/HK3opeDH
— Marcus Phillips (@mracus) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Preview's icon must look like an ad to my brain, because it's damn-near invisible to me in the Dock. I look right past it, over and over.
— John Siracusa (@siracusa) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
asked @twoism if he knew anybody who wanted to deal with Capistrano for a living and his IM connection terminated immediately.
— Mark McBride (@mccv) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Three years ago, I used to always mention Dropbox as an essential part of my workflow. Today, it would be like listing "electricity".
— Neven Mrgan (@mrgan) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Under Obamacare, I'm mandated to provide coverage to everyone in San Francisco.
— San Francisco Fog (@KarlTheFog) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Somewhere, a room full of people are working on self-driving cars and aug. reality glasses. But I bet they're still using fucking autotools.
— Moxie Marlinspike (@moxie) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
So many deadlines in June-July: Kodak Gallery (done), MobileMe (99% done), Gatekeeper (uh...)
— Nicholas Riley (@nriley) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Just setting up my twttr.
— Jordan Kay (@jordanekay) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Crockett and Tubbs http://t.co/gAv3PiJE
— John Gruber (@gruber) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
He's long left the building... and (as usual) others are just now arriving.
— Brad Bird (@BradBirdA113) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Miss you, Steve. http://t.co/vYVs9FRC
Did @gruber cook the soups today at Twitter HQ? http://t.co/0zF3gfEf
— Bill Couch (@couch) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
My biggest Prometheus gripe: "The black goo doesn't 'clearly' do anything, because it does Everything. It's frozen concentrated plot juice."
— Greg Maletic (@gregmaletic) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Microsoft Surface has USB 3.0, but the Mac Pro still doesnt.
— John Siracusa (@siracusa) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
The @verge is pretty dammed good at this live blogging thing.
— Omar Shahine (@OmarShahine) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Today everything smells like a skunk. There must be a small skunk living in my nose!
— Logan (@logan) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
These are my favorite tweets, for the week ending on Thursday July 12th, 2012:
Looking at my YouTube history to stream to my Nexus Q, and realized it's half Google I/O lectures, half cat videos.
— Chiu-Ki Chan (@chiuki) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Really regretting not buying Digg.
— Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Almost 3 years in, my favorite moment at Twitter: flash mob in the middle of our crowded cafeteria. http://t.co/WoslPPae
— Marc Maniez (@MarcManiez) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
"@origiful: Well look at that--that is some hotness. Welcome to Finland, bitches." http://t.co/HK3opeDH
— Marcus Phillips (@mracus) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Preview's icon must look like an ad to my brain, because it's damn-near invisible to me in the Dock. I look right past it, over and over.
— John Siracusa (@siracusa) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
asked @twoism if he knew anybody who wanted to deal with Capistrano for a living and his IM connection terminated immediately.
— Mark McBride (@mccv) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Three years ago, I used to always mention Dropbox as an essential part of my workflow. Today, it would be like listing "electricity".
— Neven Mrgan (@mrgan) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Under Obamacare, I'm mandated to provide coverage to everyone in San Francisco.
— San Francisco Fog (@KarlTheFog) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Somewhere, a room full of people are working on self-driving cars and aug. reality glasses. But I bet they're still using fucking autotools.
— Moxie Marlinspike (@moxie) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
So many deadlines in June-July: Kodak Gallery (done), MobileMe (99% done), Gatekeeper (uh...)
— Nicholas Riley (@nriley) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Just setting up my twttr.
— Jordan Kay (@jordanekay) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Crockett and Tubbs http://t.co/gAv3PiJE
— John Gruber (@gruber) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
He's long left the building... and (as usual) others are just now arriving.
— Brad Bird (@BradBirdA113) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Miss you, Steve. http://t.co/vYVs9FRC
Did @gruber cook the soups today at Twitter HQ? http://t.co/0zF3gfEf
— Bill Couch (@couch) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
My biggest Prometheus gripe: "The black goo doesn't 'clearly' do anything, because it does Everything. It's frozen concentrated plot juice."
— Greg Maletic (@gregmaletic) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Microsoft Surface has USB 3.0, but the Mac Pro still doesnt.
— John Siracusa (@siracusa) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
The @verge is pretty dammed good at this live blogging thing.
— Omar Shahine (@OmarShahine) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
Today everything smells like a skunk. There must be a small skunk living in my nose!
— Logan (@logan) 8:04 PM Apr 1st
These are my favorite tweets, for the week ending on Thursday July 12th, 2012:
Joshua Topolsky: Really regretting not buying Digg.
Marc Maniez: Almost 3 years in, my favorite moment at Twitter: flash mob in the middle of our crowded cafeteria. http://t.co/WoslPPae
Marcus Phillips: "@origiful: Well look at that--that is some hotness. Welcome to Finland, bitches." http://t.co/HK3opeDH
John Siracusa: Preview's icon must look like an ad to my brain, because it's damn-near invisible to me in the Dock. I look right past it, over and over.
Mark McBride: asked @twoism if he knew anybody who wanted to deal with Capistrano for a living and his IM connection terminated immediately.
Neven Mrgan: Three years ago, I used to always mention Dropbox as an essential part of my workflow. Today, it would be like listing "electricity".
San Francisco Fog: Under Obamacare, I'm mandated to provide coverage to everyone in San Francisco.
Moxie Marlinspike: Somewhere, a room full of people are working on self-driving cars and aug. reality glasses. But I bet they're still using fucking autotools.
Nicholas Riley: So many deadlines in June-July: Kodak Gallery (done), MobileMe (99% done), Gatekeeper (uh...)
Jordan Kay: Just setting up my twttr.
John Gruber: Crockett and Tubbs http://t.co/gAv3PiJE
Brad Bird: He's long left the building... and (as usual) others are just now arriving.
Miss you, Steve. http://t.co/vYVs9FRCBill Couch: Did @gruber cook the soups today at Twitter HQ? http://t.co/0zF3gfEf
Greg Maletic: My biggest Prometheus gripe: "The black goo doesn't 'clearly' do anything, because it does Everything. It's frozen concentrated plot juice."
John Siracusa: Microsoft Surface has USB 3.0, but the Mac Pro still doesnt.
Omar Shahine: The @verge is pretty dammed good at this live blogging thing.
Logan: Today everything smells like a skunk. There must be a small skunk living in my nose!
John Siracusa: @wilshipley Really well, then not so well, then really well again, and now not so well again.
These are my favorite tweets, for the week ending on Thursday July 12th, 2012:
Joshua Topolsky: Really regretting not buying Digg.
Marc Maniez: Almost 3 years in, my favorite moment at Twitter: flash mob in the middle of our crowded cafeteria. http://t.co/WoslPPae
Marcus Phillips: "@origiful: Well look at that--that is some hotness. Welcome to Finland, bitches." http://t.co/HK3opeDH
John Siracusa: Preview's icon must look like an ad to my brain, because it's damn-near invisible to me in the Dock. I look right past it, over and over.
Mark McBride: asked @twoism if he knew anybody who wanted to deal with Capistrano for a living and his IM connection terminated immediately.
Neven Mrgan: Three years ago, I used to always mention Dropbox as an essential part of my workflow. Today, it would be like listing "electricity".
San Francisco Fog: Under Obamacare, I'm mandated to provide coverage to everyone in San Francisco.
Moxie Marlinspike: Somewhere, a room full of people are working on self-driving cars and aug. reality glasses. But I bet they're still using fucking autotools.
Nicholas Riley: So many deadlines in June-July: Kodak Gallery (done), MobileMe (99% done), Gatekeeper (uh...)
Jordan Kay: Just setting up my twttr.
John Gruber: Crockett and Tubbs http://t.co/gAv3PiJE
Brad Bird: He's long left the building... and (as usual) others are just now arriving.
Miss you, Steve. http://t.co/vYVs9FRCBill Couch: Did @gruber cook the soups today at Twitter HQ? http://t.co/0zF3gfEf
Greg Maletic: My biggest Prometheus gripe: "The black goo doesn't 'clearly' do anything, because it does Everything. It's frozen concentrated plot juice."
John Siracusa: Microsoft Surface has USB 3.0, but the Mac Pro still doesnt.
Omar Shahine: The @verge is pretty dammed good at this live blogging thing.
Logan: Today everything smells like a skunk. There must be a small skunk living in my nose!
John Siracusa: @wilshipley Really well, then not so well, then really well again, and now not so well again.
These are my favorite tweets, for the week ending on Thursday July 12th, 2012:
Joshua Topolsky: Really regretting not buying Digg.
Marc Maniez: Almost 3 years in, my favorite moment at Twitter: flash mob in the middle of our crowded cafeteria. http://t.co/WoslPPae
Marcus Phillips: "@origiful: Well look at that--that is some hotness. Welcome to Finland, bitches." http://t.co/HK3opeDH
John Siracusa: Preview's icon must look like an ad to my brain, because it's damn-near invisible to me in the Dock. I look right past it, over and over.
Mark McBride: asked @twoism if he knew anybody who wanted to deal with Capistrano for a living and his IM connection terminated immediately.
Neven Mrgan: Three years ago, I used to always mention Dropbox as an essential part of my workflow. Today, it would be like listing "electricity".
San Francisco Fog: Under Obamacare, I'm mandated to provide coverage to everyone in San Francisco.
Moxie Marlinspike: Somewhere, a room full of people are working on self-driving cars and aug. reality glasses. But I bet they're still using fucking autotools.
Nicholas Riley: So many deadlines in June-July: Kodak Gallery (done), MobileMe (99% done), Gatekeeper (uh...)
Jordan Kay: Just setting up my twttr.
John Gruber: Crockett and Tubbs http://t.co/gAv3PiJE
Brad Bird: He's long left the building... and (as usual) others are just now arriving.
Miss you, Steve. http://t.co/vYVs9FRCBill Couch: Did @gruber cook the soups today at Twitter HQ? http://t.co/0zF3gfEf
Greg Maletic: My biggest Prometheus gripe: "The black goo doesn't 'clearly' do anything, because it does Everything. It's frozen concentrated plot juice."
John Siracusa: Microsoft Surface has USB 3.0, but the Mac Pro still doesnt.
Omar Shahine: The @verge is pretty dammed good at this live blogging thing.
Logan: Today everything smells like a skunk. There must be a small skunk living in my nose!
John Siracusa: @wilshipley Really well, then not so well, then really well again, and now not so well again.
Tim Cook: my first-person impression of Apple's new CEO: Michael Grothaus on Tim Cook:
Tim Cook is one of those rare people who stop and think before speaking. Standing in the same room with him I realized that he's comfortable with silence as long as that silence is productive and appropriate. He's not like other tech execs who ramble almost immediately and incoherently at any question lobbed at them, as if doing so will convince others they know everything about everything."
If you're not convinced, listen to some of Apple's recent earnings calls. Tim Cook is always there, and always gives great, thoughtful answers to questions.HP’s decade-long departure: I love this quote from Horace Dediu:
"Consider how HP and Apple faced the changes in the PC market almost exactly a decade ago.
- On September 3, 2001, HP announced that they would acquire Compaq.
- On October 23, 2001, Apple announced the iPod.
The rest, as they say, is history."
That is disruptive innovation, in a nutshell.- On September 3, 2001, HP announced that they would acquire Compaq.
Palm post mortem: what could have been: Interesting analysis of the Palm/HP thing, with a fair amount of insider info.
70 Years is Enterprise Services: Jesper delivers a wonderful eulogy for the HP that we have known.
Will Jon Rubinstein and Todd Bradley Stick With HP?: Kara Swisher examines the possibilities for some top HP execs, if HP decides to spin their PC and webOS divisions into separate companies.
OuchPad: Best Buy Sitting on a Pile of HP Tablets: Assuming Arik Hesseldahl's report is true, than this just reinforces the notion that there isn't really a tablet market — there is just an iPad market.
Groupon Panic: Is It Insolvent--and Could IPO Get Pulled?: Groupon really feels like an Enron-ish scam, so if their IPO doesn't make it, that could actually be a really good thing.
VT220 on Mac OS X: Justin Ouellette acquired a nearly 30 year old VT220 terminal, and got it to work on his Mac Pro with very little hacking. When you have a design as elegant as UNIX, carrying compatibilty with old protocols isn't a burden. It's actually kind of cool.
One fan's salute to Portal 2: an animated, talking Wheatley puppet: Be sure to watch the video — this is absolutely brilliant work.
The Most Hilariously Effective Signs Supporting Gay Marriage: Some funny, creative stuff. (via Khoi Vihn)
What tiny thing in Lion makes you smile or has caught you off guard? - Apple - Stack Exchange: Pretty great list of all of the cool stuff that is in Lion. I'm really enjoying Lion on my Mac at home, and can't wait until it's allowed on my Mac at work.
Why HP is smart to slash the TouchPad’s price: To put it another way: HP needs to get Touchpads in the hands of users, so that they'll buy apps, which will encourage developers to make more apps, thus building the ecosystem.
Facebook’s Design Vacuum: I'm starting to buy into the rumors that Facebook is going to make a phone.
One month with Google : why this social network has legs: Jacqui Cheng, reporting for Ars Technica, has used Google+ every day for a month, and found that it has legs. I'm still not using it a whole bunch, but I can see some advantages to Google+ if you want to share things online with restricted groups of people.
Apple's iCloud.com Error Pages Have Personality: I'm not sure if iCloud is going to be any good or not, but these error pages are great.
Ikea's U.S. factory churns out unhappy workers: This is not cool:
"Workers complain of eliminated raises, a frenzied pace and mandatory overtime. Several said it's common to find out on Friday evening that they'll have to pull a weekend shift, with disciplinary action for those who can't or don't show up."
Microsoft lines up its big swing at tablets: More empirical evidence that Microsoft is behind the curve:
The shift to a Apple-based culture is noticeable among innovators and entrepreneurs, said Matt McIlwain, managing director at Seattle-based venture capital firm Madrona Venture Group.
"Five years ago I would have said 80 percent of the startups or ventures who came to pitch us pulled out their laptop and started showing us their PowerPoint presentation," said McIlwain. "Now 80 percent pull out their Mac. If I were Steve Ballmer, that would be concerning to me."
When I was looking to join my first startup in '06, it was still fairly common for me to reject companies because they used Windows. Now, I just assume that a company that I'm talking to uses Macs — and I'm almost always right.
The Failure of Yahoo's Board: Maxwell Wessel makes the case that Yahoo's board is at fault, not Carol Bartz:
"Unfortunately for Yahoo, during her tenure at Autodesk, Bartz dealt with issues surrounding scaling a core business. Her success was a function of being good at increasing earnings (in the face of rapid market expansion) and managing investors. She never had to find novel products and revenue sources. Bartz's experience at Autodesk did not prepare her for problems facing the CEO of Yahoo, a company that needed new avenues for growth."
Interesting food for thought.Hyper-Realistic Black and White Oil Paintings: Cool stuff from artist Matteo Mezzetta. (via @mymodernmet, by way of @sabrinabot)
Steve: Jesper on Steve Jobs.
The decline and fall of TiVo and Media Center: Things aren't looking so hot over at TiVo, but for their sake, I really hope that they don't go the patent troll route. (via Ed Bott)
Is Yelp the canary in the daily deals coal mine?: I've been negative on this whole "group buying" space for awhile, so I'm glad to see some reality intruding here.
August Recap: Shawn Blanc recounts August 2011 in tech news. It has been a pretty crazy month.
AT&T’s $39 Billion Merger With T-Mobile Target of U.S. Antitrust Complaint: This is great news.
Apple’s Designers Work Towards Storefront Symmetry: I think I need to make a trip to Berkeley.
Ideas, Not Hierarchy: On Steve Jobs Supposedly Making All Apple Decisions: I love this piece by Tom Reestman. (via Daring Fireball)
H-P's One-Year Plan: This pretty-much sums up the state of Hewlett-Packard right now. Spoiler alert: it's not pretty.
Dying HP TouchPad now even with Android tablets in ad hits | Electronista: Why am I not surprised by this?
The Mystery of Steve Jobs’s Public Giving: It's all about focus:
"...he [Steve] could do more good focusing his energy on continuing to expand Apple than on philanthropy, especially since his illness. “He has been focused on two things — building the team at Apple and his family,” another friend said. “That’s his legacy. Everything else is a distraction.”
That totally jives with my impression of Steve Jobs.Steve: Who’s Going to Protect Us From Cheap and Mediocre Now?: John-Louis Gassée knocks it out of the park again, this time writing about Steve Jobs:
When I first met Steve, in February 1981, he was sitting cross-legged on a credenza in the Apple board room, picking his toes. Since then I’ve watched with glee as he went against received wisdom, causing pundits to have fits at every turn. I picture them as a gaggle of eunuchs standing around the caliph’s bed, braying in high-pitched voice: ‘Steve, you’re doing it wrong!’
So good. I strongly recommend you read the whole thing.
Analyzing Apple’s product cycles: Why the iPhone 4S shouldn’t surprise you: Great chart from Dan Frommer. (via Shawn Blanc)
AppleCare+ for iPhone covers accidental damage: This is a pretty interesting addition from Apple, that might actually make AppleCare worth it for some people.
Apple unveils micro USB adapter for iPhones in Europe: I was wondering what Apple was going to do about the EU common cell phone charger law. And now I know.
The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot: While I realize that catching terrorists in an open society can be difficult, this article makes some interesting points about some despicable behavior on the part of the FBI.
3.5 Inches: A pretty good point about the iPhone's screen size from Dustin Curtis. Apple tends to choose things like display size very carefully. And while I'm not saying that the size of the iPhone's screen will never change, it is pretty unlikely. (via Shawn Blanc)
Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator, Only One Month Late: If you haven't seen this old Apple video, you should watch it. I'm sure the timing with today's Siri announcement is just a coincidence, though.
Best Buy flyer from 1996: The cheapest computer in this Best Buy ad was $1900. We're used to it now, but it's amazing how much the computer industry has been able to lower prices.
October iPhone Event to Be Held On Apple Campus: Apple typically holds smaller events at this venue. So maybe this lines up with my guess that there won't be any big hardware announcements next month?
More Trouble for Groupon IPO: Groupon Restates Revenue, COO Exits: At this point, you'd have to be nutty to buy Groupon stock, assuming that they do eventually IPO.
Samsung Stepping Up Attacks on 'Free Riding' Apple in Patent Dispute: I think that Samsung's newly aggressive stance towards Apple is the strongest indication yet that Apple is pulling their semiconductor (CPU, RAM, Flash storage) business away from Samsung.
What was Joss Whedon's involvement with the original Toy Story script?: A pretty good answer to this question on Quora.
Release day economics: An interesting inside look at how much money indie artists earn from the popular music services of the day.
New York Times: iPhone announcement in weeks. Yes, we have more.: 9to5Mac appears to have a pretty big iPhone scoop. We should know in a few weeks wether or not this is accurate.
Sony saddles Vita with expensive, proprietary memory and short battery life: I've been wondering how Sony could make the new PlayStation Vita portable so cheap, and now I know — they are subsidizing the cost by mandating the purchase of proprietary memory sticks.
Critics call foul as Google takes aim at JavaScript with Dart: Balanced analysis of Google's potential fork of JavaScript from Ryan Paul of Ars Technica. Includes this quote:
"In several comments, Eich says that NaCl [Google Native Client] and Dart [Google JavaScript replacement] are akin to Microsoft's ActiveX and VBScript—vendor-specific technologies that create lock-in on the Web."
Analyzing Apple’s product cycles: Why the iPhone 4S shouldn’t surprise you: Great chart from Dan Frommer. (via Shawn Blanc)
AppleCare+ for iPhone covers accidental damage: This is a pretty interesting addition from Apple, that might actually make AppleCare worth it for some people.
Apple unveils micro USB adapter for iPhones in Europe: I was wondering what Apple was going to do about the EU common cell phone charger law. And now I know.
The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot: While I realize that catching terrorists in an open society can be difficult, this article makes some interesting points about some despicable behavior on the part of the FBI.
3.5 Inches: A pretty good point about the iPhone's screen size from Dustin Curtis. Apple tends to choose things like display size very carefully. And while I'm not saying that the size of the iPhone's screen will never change, it is pretty unlikely. (via Shawn Blanc)
Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator, Only One Month Late: If you haven't seen this old Apple video, you should watch it. I'm sure the timing with today's Siri announcement is just a coincidence, though.
Best Buy flyer from 1996: The cheapest computer in this Best Buy ad was $1900. We're used to it now, but it's amazing how much the computer industry has been able to lower prices.
October iPhone Event to Be Held On Apple Campus: Apple typically holds smaller events at this venue. So maybe this lines up with my guess that there won't be any big hardware announcements next month?
More Trouble for Groupon IPO: Groupon Restates Revenue, COO Exits: At this point, you'd have to be nutty to buy Groupon stock, assuming that they do eventually IPO.
Samsung Stepping Up Attacks on 'Free Riding' Apple in Patent Dispute: I think that Samsung's newly aggressive stance towards Apple is the strongest indication yet that Apple is pulling their semiconductor (CPU, RAM, Flash storage) business away from Samsung.
What was Joss Whedon's involvement with the original Toy Story script?: A pretty good answer to this question on Quora.
Release day economics: An interesting inside look at how much money indie artists earn from the popular music services of the day.
New York Times: iPhone announcement in weeks. Yes, we have more.: 9to5Mac appears to have a pretty big iPhone scoop. We should know in a few weeks wether or not this is accurate.
Sony saddles Vita with expensive, proprietary memory and short battery life: I've been wondering how Sony could make the new PlayStation Vita portable so cheap, and now I know — they are subsidizing the cost by mandating the purchase of proprietary memory sticks.
Critics call foul as Google takes aim at JavaScript with Dart: Balanced analysis of Google's potential fork of JavaScript from Ryan Paul of Ars Technica. Includes this quote:
"In several comments, Eich says that NaCl [Google Native Client] and Dart [Google JavaScript replacement] are akin to Microsoft's ActiveX and VBScript—vendor-specific technologies that create lock-in on the Web."
Up close with iOS 5: Safari: The "Reader" function in Mobile Safari is crazy-good.
Analyzing Apple’s product cycles: Why the iPhone 4S shouldn’t surprise you: Great chart from Dan Frommer. (via Shawn Blanc)
AppleCare+ for iPhone covers accidental damage: This is a pretty interesting addition from Apple, that might actually make AppleCare worth it for some people.
Apple unveils micro USB adapter for iPhones in Europe: I was wondering what Apple was going to do about the EU common cell phone charger law. And now I know.
The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot: While I realize that catching terrorists in an open society can be difficult, this article makes some interesting points about some despicable behavior on the part of the FBI.
3.5 Inches: A pretty good point about the iPhone's screen size from Dustin Curtis. Apple tends to choose things like display size very carefully. And while I'm not saying that the size of the iPhone's screen will never change, it is pretty unlikely. (via Shawn Blanc)
Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator, Only One Month Late: If you haven't seen this old Apple video, you should watch it. I'm sure the timing with today's Siri announcement is just a coincidence, though.
Best Buy flyer from 1996: The cheapest computer in this Best Buy ad was $1900. We're used to it now, but it's amazing how much the computer industry has been able to lower prices.
October iPhone Event to Be Held On Apple Campus: Apple typically holds smaller events at this venue. So maybe this lines up with my guess that there won't be any big hardware announcements next month?
More Trouble for Groupon IPO: Groupon Restates Revenue, COO Exits: At this point, you'd have to be nutty to buy Groupon stock, assuming that they do eventually IPO.
Samsung Stepping Up Attacks on 'Free Riding' Apple in Patent Dispute: I think that Samsung's newly aggressive stance towards Apple is the strongest indication yet that Apple is pulling their semiconductor (CPU, RAM, Flash storage) business away from Samsung.
What was Joss Whedon's involvement with the original Toy Story script?: A pretty good answer to this question on Quora.
Release day economics: An interesting inside look at how much money indie artists earn from the popular music services of the day.
New York Times: iPhone announcement in weeks. Yes, we have more.: 9to5Mac appears to have a pretty big iPhone scoop. We should know in a few weeks wether or not this is accurate.
Sony saddles Vita with expensive, proprietary memory and short battery life: I've been wondering how Sony could make the new PlayStation Vita portable so cheap, and now I know — they are subsidizing the cost by mandating the purchase of proprietary memory sticks.
Elizabeth Warren: ‘I Created Occupy Wall Street’: Decent profile of Elizabeth Warren
Up close with iOS 5: Safari: The "Reader" function in Mobile Safari is crazy-good.
Analyzing Apple’s product cycles: Why the iPhone 4S shouldn’t surprise you: Great chart from Dan Frommer. (via Shawn Blanc)
AppleCare+ for iPhone covers accidental damage: This is a pretty interesting addition from Apple, that might actually make AppleCare worth it for some people.
Apple unveils micro USB adapter for iPhones in Europe: I was wondering what Apple was going to do about the EU common cell phone charger law. And now I know.
The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot: While I realize that catching terrorists in an open society can be difficult, this article makes some interesting points about some despicable behavior on the part of the FBI.
3.5 Inches: A pretty good point about the iPhone's screen size from Dustin Curtis. Apple tends to choose things like display size very carefully. And while I'm not saying that the size of the iPhone's screen will never change, it is pretty unlikely. (via Shawn Blanc)
Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator, Only One Month Late: If you haven't seen this old Apple video, you should watch it. I'm sure the timing with today's Siri announcement is just a coincidence, though.
Best Buy flyer from 1996: The cheapest computer in this Best Buy ad was $1900. We're used to it now, but it's amazing how much the computer industry has been able to lower prices.
October iPhone Event to Be Held On Apple Campus: Apple typically holds smaller events at this venue. So maybe this lines up with my guess that there won't be any big hardware announcements next month?
More Trouble for Groupon IPO: Groupon Restates Revenue, COO Exits: At this point, you'd have to be nutty to buy Groupon stock, assuming that they do eventually IPO.
Samsung Stepping Up Attacks on 'Free Riding' Apple in Patent Dispute: I think that Samsung's newly aggressive stance towards Apple is the strongest indication yet that Apple is pulling their semiconductor (CPU, RAM, Flash storage) business away from Samsung.
What was Joss Whedon's involvement with the original Toy Story script?: A pretty good answer to this question on Quora.
Release day economics: An interesting inside look at how much money indie artists earn from the popular music services of the day.
New York Times: iPhone announcement in weeks. Yes, we have more.: 9to5Mac appears to have a pretty big iPhone scoop. We should know in a few weeks wether or not this is accurate.