My favorite tweets — Thursday July 12th, 2012

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These are my favorite tweets, for the week ending on Thursday July 12th, 2012:

  1. Joshua Topolsky: Really regretting not buying Digg.

  2. Marc Maniez: Almost 3 years in, my favorite moment at Twitter: flash mob in the middle of our crowded cafeteria.

  3. Marcus Phillips: "@origiful: Well look at that--that is some hotness. Welcome to Finland, bitches."

  4. John Siracusa: Preview's icon must look like an ad to my brain, because it's damn-near invisible to me in the Dock. I look right past it, over and over.

  5. Mark McBride: asked @twoism if he knew anybody who wanted to deal with Capistrano for a living and his IM connection terminated immediately.

  6. Neven Mrgan: Three years ago, I used to always mention Dropbox as an essential part of my workflow. Today, it would be like listing "electricity".

  7. San Francisco Fog: Under Obamacare, I'm mandated to provide coverage to everyone in San Francisco.

  8. Moxie Marlinspike: Somewhere, a room full of people are working on self-driving cars and aug. reality glasses. But I bet they're still using fucking autotools.

  9. Nicholas Riley: So many deadlines in June-July: Kodak Gallery (done), MobileMe (99% done), Gatekeeper (uh...)

  10. Jordan Kay: Just setting up my twttr.

  11. John Gruber: Crockett and Tubbs

  12. Brad Bird: He's long left the building... and (as usual) others are just now arriving.
    Miss you, Steve.

  13. Bill Couch: Did @gruber cook the soups today at Twitter HQ?

  14. Greg Maletic: My biggest Prometheus gripe: "The black goo doesn't 'clearly' do anything, because it does Everything. It's frozen concentrated plot juice."

  15. John Siracusa: Microsoft Surface has USB 3.0, but the Mac Pro still doesnt.

  16. Omar Shahine: The @verge is pretty dammed good at this live blogging thing.

  17. Logan: Today everything smells like a skunk. There must be a small skunk living in my nose!

  18. John Siracusa: @wilshipley Really well, then not so well, then really well again, and now not so well again.

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