Playing with the Palm webOS SDK
After attempting to get the Palm webOS SDK running on my iMac, I decided to attempt installing Linux onto my machine, to run the SDK there. Ubuntu took a lot longer to install than I thought it would -- due to some issues with shrinking my Mac OS X partition. But once I got some free disk space, installing Ubuntu was a snap.
Getting the webOS SDK going was even easer:
The Browser app in the webOS simulator, pointed at my blog.
So far I've been through the "Hello World" demo, and at first blush, the SDK seems to be a bit more complicated than I thought it would be. While I have a basic grip on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can't just start making web pages and loading them onto webOS -- Palm has an MVC-like framework that you have to deal with. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it, but I kindof thought that I'd be able to just jump in and start knocking something out. Alas, more reading will have to happen first.
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