My favorite tweets for the week ending July 26th, 2009
- Sara (@sreitz): I have soothed my inability to pick moneymaking horses with a delicious stuffed pretzel. Toasted bread plus cheese equals deliciousness.
- Sara (@sreitz): I should not be allowed to own or use scissors.
- Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion): 1974. My mom to my bro en route to Disney-"We're going to Seattle!" My bro-"I don't wanna see Attle- I wanna see Mickey."
- John Gruber (@gruber): I don’t gamble. I don’t drink. My one vice is buying a new iPhone every summer.
Well, that and lying about drinking and gambling. - Mark Pilgrim (@diveintomark): The Wikipedia page on ADHD is like 20 pages long. That's just cruel.
- Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion): Robot test #12. Go see Pixar's UP. If your date doesn't cry, robot.
- Sara (@sreitz): Seen just now: dude wearing a full suit and tie with black socks and open-toed sandals. A whole new dimension in business casual.
- Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion): Ahhhh... Morning. The book, a Spenser novel. The coffee, Kona. The cup...
- Pete Wentz (@petewentz): happy birthday to my favorite dude @patrick"i_hate_it_when_you_guys_even_talk_about_twitter". ur a great dude. not enough ppl know how great
- Sara (@sreitz): I juss bunt my thung. Thass wha I ge tho foogetting mah muh and ossing the fwee pwanet-killing styrafoom cups. Mah. It weally huts!
- John Gruber (@gruber): Political Observation: The tax changes Obama has enacted are exactly those he campaigned upon. And he got more votes than the other guy.
- Kevin Stumph (@kvstumph): Would you believe it? I misunderestimated how long my taxes were going to take me. I guess there's a tenth time for everything.
- Cabel M. Sasser (@cabel): Yep! We finally grabbed some Wang's In The Desert! Great food, but expen... OH MY GOD you guys I just realized the name sounds really dirty!
- Bill Wendling (@kinderschwein): @areitz There isn't one. It's well-known that atheists are incapable of pleasure.
- Sara (@sreitz): @areitz Replace "God" with "goodness." And remember, always replace "Jesus" with "baby."
- Sara (@sreitz): @ajayne All hail the queen of Twitter! Justin Timberlake is already writing a song about you (girl, you tweet straight to his heart).
- Andy Reitz (@areitz): Also - Scott Forstall and Phil Schiller will be handling the speaking duties today. No Steve Jobs (the probably won't even mention him).
- Andy Reitz (@areitz): My prediction for iPhone 3.0: Data Detectors. Better UI for moving data around, especially on a phone -- where I am limited by my stubbism.
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