Notes from Startup School - Mark Zuckerberg


Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2007
Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2007.

importance of being young, and being technical & building things

being technical

  • first 10 people at facebook were technical
  • first CSR wrote code to automate the process - gave him leverage
  • coding gets you into a position of leverage - work can be utilized beyond raw effort

focus on iteration

  • empower people who do the building (technical folks)
  • get rid of layers between build and customers

Facebook's mission - "trying to make the world a more open place"

being young

  • less clutter in life (mortgage, responsibilities, etc) - leaves room to be idealistic
  • allows you to focus on what's important

Facebook is currently handling 1.5 billion page views a day

  • can only do that because they are a deeply technical company
  • even management is technical

Mark takes a moment to promote the Facebook development platform

  • makes facebook provide "friend infrastructure" to the internet
  • their openness here, if they do it right, could be really freakin' huge

facebook is a technology company, not a media company. guides how the hire (technical), and how they direct their efforts. Guides the culture of the company.

facebook is getting people to share a lot more data, because it gives control of the audience - you can share photos just to your org, school, etc.

work w/ people you have a high trust, high bandwidth communication with

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on March 24, 2007 10:49 PM.

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