Notes from Startup School - Ali and Hadi Partovi
Ali Partovi - Founder, iLike
Hadi Partovi - President, iLike
Ali and Hadi Partovi at Startup School 2007.
Is my idea a winner? better metric is the team or group of people
- can i easily explain what the customers need in one or two sentences?
- does the business scale - can you double your revenue w/o also doubling costs?
- am i creating added value? book - "co-opitiion" size of pie when i'm in the game, vs. when not in the game -- that is the added value.
- will the users naturally recruit new users?
- network effect - will the value delivered to each customer increase as # of customers increase?
- passion - is the entrepreneur passionate about the idea?
- listen to customers, identify with them. critical to actually listen to them yourself.
- rank top problems most critical to success - rank top people, assign top people to top problems (for bigger companies). delegating effectively
- make frugality and profitability part of your culture. avoid a luxurious environment. cut spending anywhere you can.
- move quickly. make decisions fast! avoid committees. avoid 12-month development projects.
- have a strong CEO. best sales person, outward person as CEO.
- FOCUS - can't afford to be spread thin when company is small.
- hire great people. judging people is most important skill you can learn in business.
- be distracted by the press; don't make decisions based upon press coverage. value is to help with recruiting or to aid with strategic partners.
- don't take your company culture for granted - natural flow is for organizations to become political. want to start thinking about this at the early days, to keep it going.
- don't be greedy in business negotiations. let other company have bigger piece of pie, in return for speed
- don't ignore your gut feel about an employee or candidate
- forget to have fun.