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While I haven't had much time to blog lately, that is going to be changing this week. I just stepped out of the Apple keynote for MacWorld 2007. And just let me say, WOW!. My mouth was literally agape for over an hour during the keynote, mostly during Steve's demonstration of the new iPhone.

Let me be succinct here - Apple has blown everyone away with the iPhone. Motorola, gone. Nokia? Buried. Microsoft? Those guys have got to be scared of this thing.

Speaking as someone who has a laptop, cell phone, iPod, and an Internet Tablet, the user experience the the iPhone is going to provide is just a giant leap ahead of anything that is on the market today. Or that will be on the market for the next several years. The iPhone provides the things that I am already doing today (mobile web browsing, messaging, mapping, etc.), but in a far more elegant package.

2007 is off to a very good start for Apple, and they haven't fully fleshed out Leopard or any new macs yet.




Mark said:

Hasn't Apple been swearing for years that they would never do a phone? Or has that just been my imagination?

Andy Reitz said:

Apple said that they weren't doing a phone like 3 years ago. However they've been working on the iPhone for 2.5 years. As recently as a year ago, SJ made it known that Apple was in fact working on a phone, but it still wasn't clear if it would ever see the light of day.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on January 9, 2007 11:35 AM.

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