A collection of iPhone images

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So, the iPhone has finally been announced. Unfortunately, not only do we have to wait for June before it becomes available, but we can't even touch the few display models that are on the show floor. I think there are only two prototype units available, and they are sitting under glass, spinning.

But of course, I couldn't resist, and joined the throng of on-lookers taking pictures of the shiny new device:

It's shiny (and the on-screen keyboard looks neat).

It's thin!

Mobile Google == Nirvana

It really looks great. But sheesh, after that impressive demo that I saw this morning, I sure would like to play with one of these things...



Sabari said:

Hmm...the mobile google looks really nice. Either Google has invested heavily to customize their site for viewing on mobile devices or the iPhone is pretty good at formating it. Either way, it looks actually usable.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on January 9, 2007 1:29 PM.

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