Blowing my brains out


Today was day one of a three day training course in ITIL, for me and my immediate co-workers.

Boring, boring, boring, boring-as-hell, boring!

Why so boring? Is it the quality of the training materials being used? No, they are okay (if uninspired). The instructor? While he probably won't win "instructor of the year", he is adequate, and hence not the problem. The real problem that I have is that I simply don't give a flying fig about change, incident, problem, and release management. And all of the associated processes, documentation, and rigid social structures that make all of it work.

And this isn't a shock -- I knew that I wasn't interested in this crap before taking this course. But I'm stuck with it, and I just have to slog through it.

What is interesting, however, is that after sitting in front of this material for eight full hours today, my mind was actually numb. When I got home from work, I had to blast "The Patient" on my stereo, and submit my body to a punish workout just to feel alive again.

Two more days of this is really going to hurt. Or turn me into a process-loving zombie. You know, whichever comes first.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on May 18, 2005 11:29 PM.

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