Bay to Breakers

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I ran "Bay to Breakers" today for the first time today, with Mike. Here's a shot that gives a sense of the crowd during the run:

Crowd running Bay to Breakers

The race is 7.5 miles long, starting near the bay and ending at the ocean. I surprised myself by jogging pretty-much the entire thing. The beginning of the race is so crowded that it is impossible to run, so I probably didn't get going until about 15 minutes after the race started. Still, Mike and I finished in 1 hour 33 minutes, which seems pretty good to me. I expected to be able to run like 3 miles and then poop out, but instead I was able to jog the entire race.

Dang, I'm so awesome.

I managed to take some pictures of the race, mostly before and after the running. Some highlights: Spear & tortilla, Mike finds a tortilla with a message, the starting line, sharks, dogs as babies, Mike (afterwards), and me (afterwards).



Mark said:

wow, I'm impressed. I would have just driven.

What's the story with the tortillas?

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on May 15, 2005 9:09 PM.

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