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I am not a big Eminem fan, but I just caught his new video for the song "Mosh" on the MTV. Here is a link out to a stream, so you can watch for yourself. Not only is the video amazing artistically (a mix of hand-drawn animation, computer animation, and live action), but it's hard to believe that anyone could actually vote for Bush after watching it. Right Mark?



Mark said:

Sorry Andy. I didn't see the video and I already voted. There was a line at the place at 7:30 in the morning!

I'm sure Slim Shady makes some very salient points but they'll have to influence the next election and the letters I write to congress. I'll be sure to tell my senators to support any and all fag beatin' legislation.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on November 2, 2004 12:09 AM.

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