Gone Campin'

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So, last weekend I was somehow convinced to shed my surburban roots and go camping in Sequoia National Forest with some friends:


Clockwise from top: Elizabeth, Tamsen, William, Mike,
me, Mariko, Jack, and Anson

On Saturday, we hiked a little under 6 miles to Jennie Lake. We spent the night there, and then hiked back out on Sunday. The hike in was more arduous -- it had more uphill parts, our packs were heavier (with food and water), and we got some nice rain/hail/sleet action about two-thirds of the way in. The camping itself was pretty good, although it would be fair to say that due to a "sleeping bag malfunction" (similar to a wardrobe malfunction), I was pretty cold. The ground wasn't that comfortable either, so it is suffice to say that I didn't sleep very well, and was dog tired by the time I got home. But all-in-all it was a fun trip, and I may do it again... Some day.

I have posted all of my pictures from the trip in a gallery that I have setup on redefine. So now they will be a permanent part of the digital life (until my next hard drive failure, anyway).



Mark said:

Looks like redefine is having some problems today. things are loading kind of slow. I'm gonna do a backup just in case the hd goes south again.

Akua said:

Beautiful pictures. I especially like the one with the fire.

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