Case represent!

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So, my alma mater, Case Western Reserve University, played host to the vice presidential debate last night. It looks like things went off without a hitch, although watching the debate on TV, it could have been taking place on the moon as easily as it could have been at Case -- you really can't tell where the debate is being held. The stage and everything is totally generic.

Anyways, the Linux gods were with me, and my PVR didn't crash so I was able to watch the whole thing. I think that Cheney represented the Republican side well, and while I'm not as down on Edwards as Mark or Kevin is, that could be because I wasn't paying 100% attention (the joys of multi-tasking). I did notice some contradictions in what Cheney said (that he had never met John Edwards before the debate, that he had never suggested a link between Saddam and Al Qaeda), which NBC news pointed out today. I'm sure that tonight's edition of "The Daily Show" will have a field day as well.

Speaking of which, I just managed to get caught up on several past episodes of the Daily Show today. Did anybody else catch Jon Stewart's interview with Seymour Hersh? It's on the Daily Show's website (here is a direct link). The whole thing is rather shocking, in that it made me feel like we're living in a modern day Nazi Germany. By this I mean, the classic refrain "How did the German people let Hitler take power?". After watching this interview, I'm wondering how the American people let Bush take power, and hijack our country's good name in the process.



Mark said:

Kevin doesn't like Edwards either? Awesome!

I might have to invoke Godwin's law here for comparing Bush to Hitler. I mean, come on. At least that isn't as bad as when the N Koreans said that Bush was a tyrant who put Hitler in the shade.

but yeah, Edwards can suck a cock. I don't like Kerry but I'll take a bullet for him if it means that Edwards doesn't become president.

Mark said:

My primary reason for hating Edwards aside from his constant smirking.

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on October 7, 2004 12:26 AM.

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