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Since I was last able to blog, I done been on several trips. For the 4th of July weekend, I was out in Chicago. I had yet another good visit out there -- I didn't accomplish everything that I wanted to do (Sara and I had 3 movies that we wanted to see, but we only made it to one), but still, it was good.

I went directly to Detroit, MI from Chicago, for my first business trip with EDS. The company has signed a big outsourcing deal with DaimlerChrysler, and I was tasked (along with a number of other EDS folks) with being on-site for the build-out of our monitoring and management infrastructure. As business trips go, I suppose that this one was okay -- I worked some killer hours (like 12/day), but I got to do it using my Mac, which made things better. Also, I blundered into some first-class seats on the way back from Detroit to S.F. (I had to go via Dallas -- ug), which is the first time that I've ever flown first class anywhere. It was pretty nice to fly first class, especially after my grueling trip to detroit.

After that, I had a little less than two weeks of non-travel (because a semi-planned L.A. trip didn't pan out), before it was off to O'Reilly's Open Source Conference in Portland, OR, with Mike. In general, the conference was a lot of fun. Perl rocks, python didn't impress me, and Linux continues to make strides (especially wine -- I actually saw Jeremy White demo iTunes running on Linux. Stunning). I was really hoping to blog more about this conference while I was there, but it didn't work out that way. I may try and post some more later.

But, I'm back from OSCON now. My parents & Sara come out to S.F. for a visit for a week starting on Saturday. Then I have a week of 'normalcy', and I am off to the Seattle/Bellingham, WA area for Chris and Tanya's wedding.



Mike Pirnat said:

Python is the kind of thing that doesn't impress at first glance, but grows on one (like a fungus?) over time. Almost all the code I deal with at work is Python, and though Perl will always be better at regular expressions, I overall like Python more... I am especially fond of the fact that 6+ months later, I can look at my code (and more importantly, other people's code) and figure out what's going on without having a stroke.

Of course, YMMV. :-)

-- Mike

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on August 4, 2004 4:33 AM.

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