my schedule


A lot of things have been messed up ever since I moved, not the least of which being my schedule. I have been traveling, working, going into S.F. -- you name it. For example, right now I'm oncall, and dealing with a page that I got at like 12:30 AM Pacific. It is now 3:30, and I'm still waiting for this Sun box to be back up so that I can verify it.

So, my sleep schedule is messed up. My work schedule is messed up (I probably won't be getting to work before 11:00 AM tomorrow, that is for sure). My workout schedule is messed up.

On the plus side, it looks like I only have to hold out until September for things to get back to normal... (or whatever passes for normal around here, anyway).


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on August 4, 2004 3:34 AM.

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