Storrs Halloween
Unfortunately, my memory is a little fuzzy on this picture. I'm pretty sure it is from one of the Storrs halloween parties that we had. I say pretty sure, because you never know when Steve would be sketching out dead body chalk lines in the hall. I mean, that guy had all kinds of rage goin' on (I kid, I kid...). Nevertheless, I think that this is from my Junior year, and would have been the first Halloween party that we did. The basic idea was that each quad would decorate, and there was some judging, and a winner was declared. Clearly, Steve and Justin's quad thought that implied death was scary:

Me, I think the idea of someone putting down the chalk line before the murder is scary. I mean, that's like Babe Ruth pointing out into left field, 'ya know?
Anyways, I'd be interested whatever else anyone can remember about Storrs Halloween. Post away in the comments section...
You might also want to remind the good people of the bleeding wall we attempted to make. Red food coloring, a large bucket of water, a drill pump, and lots of plastic tubing all hung up in the quad.
At the correct time (re: when the judges walked in to check out our quad) I nailed the trigger on the drill to start the vital fluid on it's journey down the wall. Or at least that's how it was supposed to work.
As far as I know, the stuff came spewing out of the tubing onto the judges bypassing the wall almost completely. They exited promptly and we ended up with alot of red water on the floor to clean up. Ahh, college.