So, I'm really freaking out these days. I had a jam-packed (but damn fun) weekend, consumed by having me good friend Chris in town, and going rafting and to see A Perfect Circle with him. The rafting trip was pretty fun -- exhausting, but fun. Chris and I were joined by Mike, Sheila, Kevin, Kalpana, Koji, and Anjali. Koji has posted some pictures, and Anjali has as well. I would definitely be game to do the rafting thing again.
But before and after Chris was in town, I have been searching for a new apartment like mad. Since I was unable to find a new roommate, I gave the current place my 30 days notice, with the intention of finding a 1 bedroom somewhere.
The full weight of this decision hit upon me when I realized that:
- It's looking like I'm going to be in Detroit from the 27th - July 2nd (moving day is scheduled for the 26th)
- I'm going to be super-busy at work next week (in preparation for this Detroit nonsense)
- And finally, I'm a picky asshole, so it is hard for me to find an apartment that I'll actually spend money on...
It seems like there is some light at the end of the tunnel, however. I saw a place today that I didn't totally hate. I think I'm going to fill out the application tomorrow, which will give me 3 days to keep looking for something better. But if I don't find anything, I will have an acceptable backup. And this means that everything will be decided by Saturday, which is pretty nice to know.
I'm also trying to figure out how my blog is not going to be down for like 2 weeks. With the move followed by the traveling, I doubt that I'll be able to get new Internet service installed. So, I'm going to be sniffing out co-location options in order to keep this thing afloat. Mark and Rushabh, you have been warned...
No problem with downtime. Do me a favor though and to a tar/gz of my home directory and put it up in a yahoo group or something so if your disk gets dinged in traffic, I don't loose hours upon hours of self indulgent blogging.