From A Student Perspective May 6, 1997

      The Task Force was created with the goal of presenting what we see as the primary student concerns about the current CWRUnet set-up. We have endeavored to pinpoint some problems and make some suggestions toward viable solutions. In essence, CWRUnet is a wonderful thing, and it has potential to be the pioneering project that the University has always intended it to be. However, there are lingering issues surrounding the implementation of the network that cause troubles of the sort seen with the beginning of the ATM system and with the switchover to PPP. At present, it appears to the students that the Department of Information Services is very focused on making sure that CWRUnet has the latest technology available, without necessarily looking at the short-term practicality of this goal.

      In 1988, it was more than understandable that CWRUnet would go through a growing and maturation period – Internet technology was very new at the time, and a network such as CWRUnet was on the forefront of the technology at the time. In the past nine years, CWRUnet has become an invaluable resource for all parts of the University community, and has become integrated into the core of the University. As the backbone of the University’s information storehouse, CWRUnet is quite simply too valuable to be experimented with lightly. While the goal of maintaining CWRU’s position as a front-runner in networking is admirable, the Administration needs to be careful regarding the impact of new technology on the existing system. New technologies may require more testing and preparation before being integrated into the very complex system that is CWRUnet.

      The Task Force has done its best to present the student body’s concerns about CWRUnet as it now stands. We recognize, however, that some of our information may be wrong, and that our conclusions about certain elements of Information Services’ policies and strategies may be off base. However, we have been working with the information at hand – and information about CWRUnet is in short supply, as noted earlier. If we’re wrong, we strongly encourage a response from Information Services. In fact, that is one of the goals of this project: to open a dialogue between the students and the Administration on how CWRUnet is managed. Our strongest recommendation would be for a permanent committee to be created through which students would have more access to get their views expressed as well as to get direct information about what is going on with the network. The Task Force, as well as the Residence Hall Association and the Undergraduate Student Government are more than happy to facilitate such a committee. We eagerly await a response, and hope that this effort fulfills its purpose.

      The Task Force would like to thank the officers and members of the Residence Hall Association (RHA) and Undergraduate Student Government (USG) for all of their support and assistance. In addition, we would like to thank the UUF Committee on Computing and Information Resources, for their invaluable coordination with our efforts. Also, several other individuals must be acknowledged for their valued input: Christopher Ishida (, Randy Reitz (, and Norman Cheng ( Finally, a special thanks needs to be extended to all of the students who have provided invaluable insight and opinions regarding this project.

The CWRUnet Task Force is:

Robert Chaloupka (, RHA President (1996-97)
Andrew Reitz (, Storrs House RHA representative
Kathryn Krzesinski (, USG Vice President of Development
Joseph Castro (, Michelson House USG representative
Emily Erdlen (, RHA Secretary
Rita Yang (, Class of 2000 President
James Sohr (, Michelson House RHA Representative
James Chang (
Gregory McGuire (
Joshua Cherry (
James Vocaire (
Carl Tashian (

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Table of Contents:
[ Abstract | Why CWRUnet? | Services | Status | Solutions | Conclusion ]
