Photo: May 2005 Archives
Sheila managed to snag an internship and some funding for the summer, but the "rub" is that the job is in South Africa. She is leaving on Tuesday, so we had a "goodbye" dinner for her yesterday:

(L-R: Mike, Sheila, Mariko, Will, Koji, and me)
Food & friends were pretty-A-Ok, and it sounds like she is going to have a blast in South Africa.
I ran "Bay to Breakers" today for the first time today, with Mike. Here's a shot that gives a sense of the crowd during the run:

The race is 7.5 miles long, starting near the bay and ending at the ocean. I surprised myself by jogging pretty-much the entire thing. The beginning of the race is so crowded that it is impossible to run, so I probably didn't get going until about 15 minutes after the race started. Still, Mike and I finished in 1 hour 33 minutes, which seems pretty good to me. I expected to be able to run like 3 miles and then poop out, but instead I was able to jog the entire race.
Dang, I'm so awesome.
I managed to take some pictures of the race, mostly before and after the running. Some highlights: Spear & tortilla, Mike finds a tortilla with a message, the starting line, sharks, dogs as babies, Mike (afterwards), and me (afterwards).