Recently in Life Category
So, I made a quick trip to Chicago last weekend, and while I wasn't able to meet the newest addition to Mark and Laura's family, I was able to meet the newest additions to my parent's family:

Max is in the foreground, Maggie is in the back
It's amazing how different Max and Maggie's personalities are. Max is amazingly social -- he always needs to be petted and to get attention. He's also extremely jealous - so much so that if you are petting Maggie, he'll come on over and push her out of the way, so that you will pet him instead.
Anyways, I had a fun time hanging out with my family, and celebrating my cousin's graduation from High School. I also caught a movie, "Knocked Up", which I thought was pretty good. And my flight home was only delayed by 2 hours, due to a quick rain storm that hit Chicago.
Photos from the weekend are in a gallery.
Getting older appears to be fraught with many perils. I've had a bump on my noggin for a few years now, and in the last several months, it has been getting bigger. Much bigger. So, a few weeks ago, I hoisted myself over to the Kaiser, to let a trained professional have a look. The pronouncement came down that it was just a cyst, nothing to really worry about, but something that I could have removed if I wanted.
It has been bugging me for awhile, so I thought getting it removed was a pretty good idea.
And it was a pretty good idea, up until the anesthetic wore off a few hours ago.
I spent about 10 minutes blindly taking pictures of my head, so that you (gentle blog reader) could get a look:

The stitches, closing the hole that got cut into my head today.
What came out of that gash was a chunk of fluid, blood, hair, and skin that was easily the size of two skittles stacked one ontop of another. That might not sound like much, but try cramming that under the skin between your skull and the outside world.
All in all, the procedure went really well -- the Kaiser was as brutally efficient as always, getting me in and out of there in just slightly over an hour. And when I get the stitches out, and this thing starts to feel better, I'm sure I'll be really glad that my head is slightly less misshapen than it has been. But for the next week or so, I think I'm going to be a bit grumpy, as this thing nags at me.