Back from Chicago


So, I made a quick trip to Chicago last weekend, and while I wasn't able to meet the newest addition to Mark and Laura's family, I was able to meet the newest additions to my parent's family:

Max is in the foreground, Maggie is in the back

It's amazing how different Max and Maggie's personalities are. Max is amazingly social -- he always needs to be petted and to get attention. He's also extremely jealous - so much so that if you are petting Maggie, he'll come on over and push her out of the way, so that you will pet him instead.

Anyways, I had a fun time hanging out with my family, and celebrating my cousin's graduation from High School. I also caught a movie, "Knocked Up", which I thought was pretty good. And my flight home was only delayed by 2 hours, due to a quick rain storm that hit Chicago.

Photos from the weekend are in a gallery.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on June 23, 2007 2:01 AM.

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