Happenings: September 2007 Archives
So, in between moving and seeing The Frames, I drove up to Portland for an extended Labor Day weekend (I took two days off of work), for Chris Leech's wedding:

Chris and his new bride Andrea, cutting their wedding cake
Despite Chris' worries, the wedding went off without a hitch. The weather was fantastic in Portland all weekend, and Chris and Andrea chose a beautiful outdoor venue for the ceremony. I learned a bit about East Coast vs. West Coast weddings - the former being a whole lot more relaxed. Case in point: the ceremony itself only lasted around 14 minutes (one of Chris' uncles timed it -- apparently the Leech family record is 12 minutes), and Chris supplied an eclectic mix of music - including Neutral Milk Hotel, 16 Horsepower, The Postal Service, and more.
All in all, I had a great time. I actually got to spend quite a bit of time with Chris - which is unusual for a wedding weekend. In addition, I also spent a bunch of time reconnecting with Steve, Justin, and Sarah (and Lucy, Justin and Sarah's 11 month old).
And now I'm off to yet another wedding, this time in Chicago. I should already be gone, but thunderstorms in Chicago have delayed my flight. After this weekend, however, I think I get some time to just relax and not do anything. I'm looking forward to it.
Since my picture workflow is still messed up, I'm just going to post some bonus wedding pictures after the break.
So, the last couple of weeks have been fairly insane, and I still have a little bit to go before I can rest. Two weekends ago, Kevin and I moved into a new place. We rented a house in West Sunnyvale, but since we lived in our old place for over 2 years, we were fairly well established there. To make things worse, I knew that I wasn't going to have much time to unpack - because the next two weekends I was going to be out of town. So, I made a few changes with my normal procedure to try and cope.
Firstly, I hired movers. This turned out to be a really fantastic idea - after Kevin and I got everything ready (which was a lot of work), they were able to load their truck around 38 minutes. The new place has a lot of stairs, so unloading took a bit longer at around 45 minutes - but still, that is pretty fast to have the bulk of our junk moved. Here is a shot of them dealing with the best/worst thing that I ever bought, my now-obselete 27" TV:

The movers using a rolling cart with the TV - brilliant!
Secondly, I didn't bother to clean the old place before we moved out. The rental company sent us a pretty detailed bill, which included all of the cleaning costs and such. I figured that the amount of effort that it would take to clean wasn't worth the money, so we just focused on moving out. This definitely gave me back a few extra hours of time to work on getting setup at the new place, at an additional expense, of course.
Anyways, the move went pretty well. Here's a picture of part of the new place:

The kitchen in our new rental property
I'm not fully moved in yet, because the moving has happened in the midst of a period of busy travel (which hopefully I'll blog about later).