Been busy


So, the last couple of weeks have been fairly insane, and I still have a little bit to go before I can rest. Two weekends ago, Kevin and I moved into a new place. We rented a house in West Sunnyvale, but since we lived in our old place for over 2 years, we were fairly well established there. To make things worse, I knew that I wasn't going to have much time to unpack - because the next two weekends I was going to be out of town. So, I made a few changes with my normal procedure to try and cope.

Firstly, I hired movers. This turned out to be a really fantastic idea - after Kevin and I got everything ready (which was a lot of work), they were able to load their truck around 38 minutes. The new place has a lot of stairs, so unloading took a bit longer at around 45 minutes - but still, that is pretty fast to have the bulk of our junk moved. Here is a shot of them dealing with the best/worst thing that I ever bought, my now-obselete 27" TV:

The movers using a rolling cart with the TV - brilliant!
The movers using a rolling cart with the TV - brilliant!

Secondly, I didn't bother to clean the old place before we moved out. The rental company sent us a pretty detailed bill, which included all of the cleaning costs and such. I figured that the amount of effort that it would take to clean wasn't worth the money, so we just focused on moving out. This definitely gave me back a few extra hours of time to work on getting setup at the new place, at an additional expense, of course.

Anyways, the move went pretty well. Here's a picture of part of the new place:

The kitchen in our new rental property
The kitchen in our new rental property

I'm not fully moved in yet, because the moving has happened in the midst of a period of busy travel (which hopefully I'll blog about later).


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on September 5, 2007 6:18 PM.

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