Computers: January 2005 Archives
The first law of buying a computer is that as soon as you buy it, there will be something {faster, sexier, smaller, cheaper} for purchase (choose your own attribute). Well, I just saw this on Gizmodo. And it certainly looks slicker than the xPC that I just bought. Rats!
After months of dithering, I finally bought the PC-of-my-media-center dreams:
This box is going to eventually house my TV capture card, and run Linux and MythTV, serving all of my personal video recorder needs. The hardware:
- Shuttle SN95G5 Case and Motherboard
- AMD Athlon64 3000+
- AOpen NVidia GeForce FX5200 128Mb AGP Video Card
- 1Gb of Corsair value RAM
- Seagate 200Gb Serial ATA HD
- Sony Dual-Layer DVD-/+RW CD/DVD Burner
I know that it is way more power than I need for a simple PVR, but I want it to be fast when I crunch video down to Mpeg4. I also want to rip DVDs with it. And run Seti@Home or something (since it has to be on all the time anyway). So, I splurged a bit.
For right now, I've got Windows XP on it, because there are a couple of games that I want to play, and I wanted to inaugurate this computer in style by killing the heck out of Kevin in Urban Terror. Also, I don't have time to mess with Linux right now (see the bit about Urban Terror). But when I get back from Germany, it is going to be on.
Once again, the gallery is here.