Me touching an iPod shuffle

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Apple has really nailed this product. Again.



Mark said:

alright, I give in. This thing looks pretty cool. I'd like it better if it had an FM radio but the price looks right for what I'd use it for and its capabilities. Can you use it as a USB stick too to carry files around and carry them from computer to computer? If so, I'm sold.

Mark said:

hang on, it's not rated to work below 32° F?

I recant my previous approval.

Andrew Reitz said:

Yes, you can use the iPod shuffle for file storage. Apple has a neat UI built into iTunes where you select how much disk space that you want to use for music versus data. The reason why they do this is because there is another cool feature in iTunes, "autofill". You give it a target (playlist, whole library, dynamic playlist, etc.), and it will maximize the amount of songs that will fit in the music area of the iPod shuffle.

I hadn't seen the not rated for work below 32 degrees farenheit, but it is probably a battery thing. I'm sure that it will work, but it might not be the best thing for the battery.


Mark said:

ok, so i'm intrested again. So is the memory non-volitile? If I let the thing sit for a while or run the battery out, will my data files and directories be lost? That would rellly piss me off. Also, is iTunes the only way to put music on and off of this thing? I'd like it a lot better if I could just drag and drop a bunch of MP3 files onto it, pull it out of the port and run.

ok, so I’m interested again. So is the memory non-volatile? If I let the thing sit for a while or run the battery out, will my data files and directories be lost? That would really piss me off. Also, is iTunes the only way to put music on and off of this thing? I'd like it a lot better if I could just drag and drop a bunch of MP3 files onto it, pull it out of the port and run.

Adam Schlosser said:

I Was London Drugs The Other Day, And I Came Across The iPod Shuffle, And It Was A Tiny Jaw-Dropping Little Machine. I Jumped For Joy As I Found Out It Was An iPod. Man, And The Manager There Let Me Hold It And Look At This EXTREMLY LIGHT, EXTREMLY TINY, EXTREMLY AWESOME MACHINE!!!
And Holy Crap You Guys It Blew Me Away. As A Matter A Fact I Walked Out The Door Crying Because I Didn't Have One... Waaa!! Waaa!!

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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on January 11, 2005 3:28 PM.

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