Recently in Computers Category

After attempting to get the Palm webOS SDK running on my iMac, I decided to attempt installing Linux onto my machine, to run the SDK there. Ubuntu took a lot longer to install than I thought it would -- due to some issues with shrinking my Mac OS X partition. But once I got some free disk space, installing Ubuntu was a snap.

Getting the webOS SDK going was even easer:

webOS Simulator on my blog
The Browser app in the webOS simulator, pointed at my blog.

So far I've been through the "Hello World" demo, and at first blush, the SDK seems to be a bit more complicated than I thought it would be. While I have a basic grip on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you can't just start making web pages and loading them onto webOS -- Palm has an MVC-like framework that you have to deal with. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it, but I kindof thought that I'd be able to just jump in and start knocking something out. Alas, more reading will have to happen first.


A few weeks ago, I upgraded my install of MovableType from 3.something to 4.01. I did this primarily so that I could post from my iPhone via the iMT plugin (which I got working, but haven't posted from yet). Anyways, since upgrading, I have found that I could no longer post to my blog from MarsEdit. I also upgraded that to 2.0 recently, so I wasn't sure what the problem was.

I finally got some time today to debug this, and I found these errors in my httpd-error.log:

[Sat Oct 13 19:17:17 2007] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "xxx/cgi-bin/mt/mt-xmlrpc.fcgi" restarted (pid 29699)
Status: 405 Method Not Allowed

Pretty obscure error, don'tcha think? Google wasn't much help, but in digging around the MovableType forums, I found this thread which helped me out a lot. The gist of the problem is that the part of MovableType which allows web services clients to work with it, mt-xmlrpc.cgi doesn't work with FastCGI. I could have sworn that I had this working previously under MovableType 3.x, but it sure as heck doesn't work now. Reverting this file to use regular CGI instead of FastCGI appears to have fixed the problem.


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