FTotW - July 26th, 2009
John Gruber (@gruber): Still nothing about the criminal investigation on Gizmodo. Perhaps their CMS is broken?
Alex Payne (@al3x): There has never been a better time to not have a Facebook account.
kelly oxford (@kellyoxford): It's spelled Nickelback? Fuck them.
John Gruber (@gruber): Photograph of SJ's office, taken today: http://bit.ly/bHCucv
Luke Burton (@hagus): Q: How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: It’s a really obscure number, you’ve probably never heard of it.John Siracusa (@siracusa): Linked things that require disclaimers in polite net society: sexual content, PDFs, iTunes store items.
Shannon Vestal (@ShannonV): The ridiculous, unnatural mentions of Bing on The CW shows are killing me.
John Gruber (@gruber): What if Amazon bought Palm?
Jon Lech Johansen (@jonlech): By Apple's logic, Microsoft should ban iTunes from Windows since it's implemented using non-native APIs: http://bit.ly/9BnUdy
Cory Doctorow (@doctorow): If you don't understand this about #iPad DRM, you don't understand anything about #iPad DRM http://tinyurl.com/yavvu5b
nilay patel (@reckless): Interesting that Apple's done more to screw Adobe than it has to stop jailbreak / OSx86. Guess we know what the real threats are.
Joe Hewitt (@joehewitt): It's so hard to reconcile my love for these beautiful devices on my desk with my hatred for the ugly words in that legal agreement.
Syrinx (@Syrinx): The patients were cynical and not responding and we couldn't bring them back....or cyanotic. Either way, we're saved: @Sean_M_Maher is here!
Stu Maschwitz (@5tu): @gruber If only Apple had some sort of desktop-syncing, cloud storage solution.*
* That worked.Steven Frank (@stevenf): Using my Mac after all afternoon with the iPad was really weird. What are all these... windows and menus and things? Uh oh.
Alex Payne (@al3x): @goldman You're welcome! Join me in delicious hypocrisy. I for one welcome our New Balance-wearing overlord.
John Gruber (@gruber): OMG my iPhone is a piece of crap.
Mark Pilgrim (@diveintomark): Is Internet Jackass Day over yet?
Steven Frank (@stevenf): @iconfactory Guys I think I might need a Hot Tub icon for my Time Machine drive.
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