table test

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this is a paragraph of text before. It's some drivel about how much I love the mac, but it's too expensive, wah wah...

Component Price
Processor - Intel E5300 $72.11
Motherboard - G31 / ICH7 chipset $36.99
Hard Drive - 500GB SATA $49.99
Memory - 2x2GB PC-6400 DDR2 $44.99
Optical Drive $27.95
Case & Power Supply $17.99
Keyboard $3.48
Mouse $5.49
Other Materials (iSupply) $55.97
Manufacturing costs (iSupply) $10.94
Total: $325.81

And a rousing finish! Forgot the closing table tag -- that looked to be super bad.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on June 26, 2009 10:24 PM.

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