Links for Thursday February 14th, 2008
Lake Mead could be dry by 2021: Kevin goes on and on about the coming oil crisis - but where is he about peak water theory?!?!?
Paul Loeb: Behind Obama's Wave of Victories: The More They Know Him.....: A great look at how Obama has been gaining strength in the recent primaries. I'm still pretty optimistic that he can capture the nomination.
INDIANA JONES on Yahoo! Movies: The teaser trailer for the Indiana Jones 4. I can't wait.
For Clinton, Bid Hinges on Texas and Ohio - New York Times: More good news for Barack - if he can score an "upset" in either Texas or Ohio (hopefully both!), then he should be able to sew up the nomination.
ABC News: Super Schmooze: Breakfast With Chelsea: This "super delegate" nonesense is already getting out of hand. I'm really hoping that the super delegates follow the votes of the people, and it all doesn't rest on the whims of some 21 year old...
Media Defenders Profile - National Business News - Interesting story about anti-P2P company MediaDefender, and how they were cracked by a high school student.
United Hollywood: From Joss Whedon: Do Not Adjust Your Mindset: Great piece from Joss Whedon that cuts to the heart not only of the writers strike, but all labor actions in general. I'm amazed that the studios have let the strike go on this long, and I'm glad that the writers are sticking to their guns.
Democrats' Nightmare: Back to Smoke-Filled Rooms - I really despise the idea of the Democratic presedential nominee being chosen by a non-democratic process, but it is increasingly looking like this might happen. Obama needs a big win in either Texas or Ohio, I think.
Pitchfork: Portishead Add Dates, Third Details Surface: You better believe that I am waiting for this album with anticipation, and will snap it up as soon as I can. I'm also hoping that Portishead plays more dates in the US than Coachella...
Religious police in Saudi Arabia arrest mother for sitting with a man - Times Online: I had heard of Saudi Arabia's"culture police" before - but this article presents a rare glimpse into life for Saudi women (and it isn't very good).
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