Links for Monday February 4th, 2008
Thin is in: Ars Technica reviews the MacBook Air: Page 7: Another great hardware review from Ars. It will be interesting to see if Apple does a rev. B of the MacBook Air - some things look fixable, but some (like disk performance) probably aren't.
Video games, the male brain, and addiction: Hmm, maybe this (partially) explains why Kevin and I are still playing Mario Kart: Double Dash, some 2+ years after we started...
The Making of…a LEGO: Great article from BusinessWeek with some behind-the-scenes information about Lego. Be sure to check out the slide show - it has some neat photos of the manufacturing process.
Microsoft-Yahoo: of bids, poison pills, and hostility: Great look at ths MSFT/Yahoo! thing from Ars. The most important bit (that I haven't seen anywhere else), are the means by which Yahoo! could thwart the deal, if they so choose.
4 color rebellion » Popular Gaming: The Nintendo Revolution: The Wii is insane - it's still sold out everywhere I go. If you want to know why this isn't a fad (and why Nintendo's current hot streak is going to last for awhile), then check this article out.
John Pearce and Kathy Cramer: Hillary's Looming Electability Crisis - Politics on The Huffington Post: I said basically the same thing to Kevin last night - we have to get Obama to the nomination. The alternative (Hillary), would pose a huge problem in November!
Philip Greenspun’s Weblog » The $1000 HP desktop tower running Windows Vista: This (combined with the fact that Mac OS X is UNIX at its core) is pretty-much why I switch to Mac 6+ years ago. It's amazing the kind of crap people will willingly take from their technology.
iFixit — MacBook Air: Great look at the internals of the new MacBook Air - it's as amazing inside as it is on the outside.
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