Notes from Startup School - "Random Stuff" by Paul Buchheit


Paul Buchheit (blog) - Creator of GMail

Paul Buchheit speaking at Startup School.

Advice on advice

  • where does advice come from -- limited life experiences + overgeneralization = advice
  • doesn't mean that advice is worthless, have to remember where it is coming from.
  • helpful advice
    • opens your eyes so you can see more clearly,
    • gives close about the overall picuture, how your part fits in

  • watch out advice that is limiting. Remember that no one hs it all figured out.

Redefine success.

Redefine success

  • attempt things with uncertain outcomes - but uncertain outcomes that you'll learn from
  • redefine goal of startup - if learning is goal, then startups are a great place to learn, and you can achieve that goal

Make something that is different

  • how can you tell hat a product is fundamentally different? by how people use it -- Altavista, 2 times a week. Google, 10 times a day.
  • please remember - being useless in new ways does not make you different from previous useless products

GMail - changing the magnitude.

Quick tips on scaling web service

  • disks are not really random access - capacity doubles every year or two, but seek times remain the same
  • relative seek time is actually decreasing, as disks get bigger.
  • solution - think of disk drive as a sequential access device
  • how build around this?
    • big data, small data
    • big - photos, video, mp3 (you can just put it in amazon s3)
    • small - tags, names, meta data (keep it in RAM)

  • DB updates must avoid cause seeks - updates go to a transaction log. All writes are sequential.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on March 24, 2007 7:08 PM.

Notes from Startup School - "The Great Value of Avoided Mistakes" was the previous entry in this blog.

Notes from Startup School - Long Tail Companies is the next entry in this blog.

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