At Startup School today


So, Paul Graham's VC fund, Y Combinator, is throwing a one day event called Startup School over at Stanford today. A few weeks ago, I applied to attend, and luckily I was accepted. So, waking up far earlier than any mortal should be forced to (especially on a Saturday), I'm sitting in the Kresge auditorium over on the Stanford campus, ready to absorb the knowledge.

In leading up to today's event, I was reading a lot of pre-Startup School buzz -- it seems like most people are attending in order to network with other potential startup people. Looking for co-founders, selling business plans, looking for VC funding, etc. As for me, I'm not coming here with so many ambitions. I just want to know what the unknowns are - what are all of the things that I would even need to think about before starting a company?

So, I'll be taking notes (and trying to blog what I can) - hopefully this will be time well spent.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on March 24, 2007 6:57 PM.

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