How United keeps its birds in the air

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So, as boarding was winding down yesterday on my United Airlines flight from Chicago O'Hare to San Francisco International, one of the flight attendants noticed that one of the overhead bins would not close. Of course, this happened to be the bin where my bag was located, and so as they emptied it, I was forced to stuff my bag under the seat in front of me (which I hate doing, by the way. It is a good thing I was traveling light). But even with the bin empty, they couldn't take off with the bin door ajar (some sort of FAA regulation or something, I guess).

So, in short order, a United mechanic appeared, in order to "fix" the door before takeoff. His solution? Duct tape:

Duct Tape, holding the overhead bin door shut for our flight.

Truly, a mechanic after my own heart. I was gladdened to see that Duct Tape is so truly universal, that it also helps to keep 757-300's in the sky. :)


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Mark said:

While I can fully get behind this use of duct tape, duct-taping-shit-together-to-barely-comply-with-regulations seems to be in keeping with United's quality standards.

laura said:

Andy - Is that you in the hat?

Andy Reitz said:

Nope, it's *not* me in the hat - it is a passenger in the row behind mine. :)


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