Paying the geek tax at a rather unfortunate time


As all of the TV fans in America are aware -- we are coming up to the end of the regular TV viewing season, when all of the dangling threads will be wrapped up, resolutions made, and the cliffhangers engaged to keep us all on the edge of our seats throughout the summer.

Which, of course, makes it a perfect time for the Seagate hard drive in my MythTV machine to give up the ghost. Which is apparently what it did sometime on Monday, while Mike and I were driving back from Coachella. The geek tax strikes again.

Of course, I didn't notice until last night, when Kevin and I sat down in front of the boob-toob in order to watch "Gilmore Girls". Amazingly, the MythTV front-end program was still working, but no new content had gotten recorded. And when I tried to investigate, I saw that Linux was encountering massive errors while going to and from the disk.

So, it looks like I'll have to replace it. But before I can get to that, TV must still be watched! I had to resort to BitTorrent for the things that my MythTV machine was supposed to record but didn't, and I have bought a multi pass of the Daily Show on iTunes. For everything else, I will fall back on my "poor man's PVR" -- i.e., my VCR.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on May 3, 2006 10:57 PM.

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