Hardware swap


My FreeBSD machine has been crashing a whole bunch the last several days. After the last time it went down, I grabbed the latest stable source code and started running that. Things seemed fine (the machine was up for over 3 weeks, I think), until several days ago. Now, it has been crashing every day.

In fact, today I was trying to upgrade the OS again, and it crashed while I was doing a "make clean", before the compiling even started.

At this point, I reckoned that either I'm getting some bizarre network traffic that is taking the machine down, or (as is more likely), something is failing on my 8 year old PC. I mean, the thing is fully broken-in, what are the odds of something going wrong?!?!

Coming back to reality, tonight I dropped the guts (two 400gb HDs and a RAID card) into the previous redefine (which is only 6 years old), and so now we'll try that.

So far, so good.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on May 16, 2006 11:59 PM.

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