

Today is the day that the first single from Tool's upcoming album, "10,000" days, was due to be released to radio stations around the country. However, in keeping with my whole "radio is dead" theme, it didn't really make sense to me to spend hours and hours listening to crappy rock radio (filled with tons of ads), just to catch a glimpse of Tool.

So, I downloaded the new single off of the Internet instead (which is a far better distribution mechanism for music anyway).

In short, it's good, but I'm going to reserve my full judgement until I hear Vicarious in context with the entire album, or until I listen to Vicarious 10,000 times -- whichever comes first. Throughout it's 7+ minute lifespan, Vicarious alternates between sounding like a lost track from Lateralus, to being completely different. From flowing and moving to stopping and syncopation. From vocals that nearly fade beneath the music to those that shout and demand to be heard.

Certainly, there is a lot to tide me over here, until the release of "10,000 Days", on May 2nd.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on April 18, 2006 1:21 AM.

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