

One of the cooler Mac apps that I ran across is something called webstractor, by a company called Softchaos. It is basically a web browser, that maintains a copy of whatever page you visit on disk. I can see how having this trail of breadcrumbs can be pretty useful when I am in full-on "Internet research mode" -- You can surf a bunch of sites, and everytime you find one related to whatever it is you are researching, you can tuck it into a folder. Webstractor also includes features for automatically updating the pages that you have saved, based upon any differences that it finds.

There is also integration with Safari and NetNewsWire (which I was evangelizing to anyone who would listen today. Man, that app rocks!) -- in that you can right-click on any link in either of those browsers, and send it over to webstractor.

Overall, it seemed like a cool app, but priced at $80, it was out of the impulse-buy range. I don't know of anything else that does what webstractor does, though, so it's possible that I could crack and buy it someday (especially if I'm ever using a Mac full time at the day job).


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