There's a 5AM now?


So, I'm up way too early, to make a 6:13 AM bay bullet Caltrain out of Sunnyvale (which is a new service that they started back in October of 2005), in order to get to San Francisco a little after 7:00 AM, so that I can wait in line for Steve Job's keynote, which starts at 9:00 AM.

So, yeah, I'm nuts. And I'm even nuttier given the fact that when I got my MWSF badge yesterday, the woman said that I should be in line at 5:30 AM.

And of course, if you factor in the cost, comparing Steve Jobs' 90 minute keynote to a 90 minute movie, makes this one expensive movie. But hopefully I'll get lucky and make it into the main hall.


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This page contains a single entry by Andy Reitz published on January 10, 2006 6:24 AM.

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